WWE Sends Out Another Strange Fan Survey


WWE is really killing it with their survey game lately because they’ve sent out a brand new one and this one is even more inquisitive than the last. We previously reported WWE wanted to know what we thought the most surprising moment of WWE Fastlane was, but now they want to know way more than that.

In an almost revealing questionnaire, WWE asks fans what they really think about them as a company. Fans were asked to rate on a 5-point scale from disagreeing completely to agree completely if we thought WWE offered good rivalries and match-ups, feature athletic superstars, has compelling action, has unique characters, cares about the people and community, keeps us entertained, is family oriented, and brings people together.

The survey also asked questions about if we thought WWE encouraged community service participation and if WWE superstars are recognized as everyday heroes in the community. Those two were kind of weird, then it gets weirder as the next question is, “What is your overall opinion about WWE?”

It’s almost like if the significant other you’ve been with for over-twenty years looked at you and asked, “Do you really like me?”

But all of the pieces of the puzzle quickly come together when the second round of questions begins.

The next few questions pertained to how we feel about WWE advertising. Participants were asked to list as many WWE product placements and organizations they remember being endorsed by WWE. They were probably drumming up statistics to show to would-be sponsors down the road how effective a partnership with WWE is, to be honest.

After that, people were asked how many episodes a month they watch of Raw and Smackdown followed by a query about their familiarity with “For The Hero in All of Us” campaign.


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