mauro ranallo

This week’s episode of SmackDown Live was missing a few commentators, as David Otunga was off working on another project, and Mauro Ranallo missed the event due to the snow.

Anyone who lives on the East Coast is probably well aware that the region was hit with a hefty amount of snow, but two former WWE commentators think that Mauro Ranallo should have put a little more effort into making it to the taping in Pittsburgh, PA.

After word of Mauro Ranallo’s absence hit the internet, Impact Wrestling commentator Josh Mathews took to Twitter to criticize Mauro for not making an appearance on SmackDown Live this week. Mathews shared a story about how he once drove two days in the snow with Taz from New York to Indianapolis just to make a taped episode of SmackDown.

Josh Mathews posted the following:

Taz then decided to join in by saying that regardless of the conditions, you gotta make the shot.

Taz brought up the subject once again on The Taz Show and he expanded on why he feels Mauro should have made more of an effort to get himself to Pittsburgh.

“You can not miss a show. You can’t. You can’t miss a show. When you miss a show, in no order of preference, you get heat with the locker room, you get heat with your boss, you get heat with your broadcast colleagues. It’s not a regular job. You are there once a week, and you are making a lot of money with a massive, massive platform. You’ve got to be there. You’ve got to make the shot no matter what happens. Mauro is from Canada, so he’s well versed when it comes to weather and snow. You have to prepare yourself to get to that town early.”

What do you guys think? Do you agree with Taz and Josh Mathews? Sound off in the comments below.

It’s official folks, Roman Reigns is going to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33. According to Roman Reigns he’s going to be the man that retires The Undertaker and we’re talking about whether or not it should happen on this week’s episode of Still Real Radio. You can check out the latest episode below and if you like what you hear, please subscribe to the show on iTunes.


  1. Okay, put everyone on the same plane or bus every time. Every. Time. Show gets everyone or no one, and leaves no excuses. I’m sure Matthews and Taz wouldn’t have minded.