
Team DIY are like the life blood of NXT’s tag team division at this point. If they really do break up soon it will leave a huge hole to fill in the roster. But those are the breaks in pro wrestling. Tag teams come and go, then they could always come back again. But in the meantime, they’re trying to draw inspiration from whatever source they can to win their upcoming ladder match against the Authors Of Pain.

There was a little bit of a scare at the live show on Thursday night when Tommaso Ciampa landed weird after doing a running knee strike from the apron to the floor. The referee threw up the “X” and the match was called off. It literally sucked all of the energy from the building when it happened.

But thankfully, it was just a sprained ankle. Ciampa’s okay now or at least he’s getting around fine. It looks like they were pulled from NXT’s show in Evansville to give him more time to recover just in case.

In all honesty, WWE might only need Ciampa’s ankle for one match if they break up Team DIY. He’ll probably have a singles run as a heel and feud with Johnny Gargano after that. But they could always milk that feud if Tommaso can’t work and save their match for the next TakeOver. It would be that big of a deal to see these two go at it again. Their match in the Cruiserweight Classic was insanely good.

Ciampa’s really good at drawing heat so he’ll be fine. If they decide to make Gargano the heel then that would be interesting. Let’s just hope both of these guys find their rightful place on the roster when the time comes to end their in-ring relationship.

But they have NXT TakeOver: Chicago to worry about next. They’re booked in a ladder match against the Authors Of Pain in an attempt to get those NXT Tag Team Titles back. So in addition to doing homework by watching classic ladder matches, they’re cruising a hardware store looking for inspiration as well. It sure looks like “Physco Killer” Tommaso Ciampa could figure out some evil ways to utilize that small ladder right there.

It looks like NXT TakeOver: Chicago is going to be fun.