Spoilers: WWE Tribute To The Troops Results


The following results were sent into RingsideNews.com by their reader Gregory Anderson.

* The Show was delayed bout 20 minutes due to traffic.

* Dark Match: Big E Langston and Mark Henry defeated Curtis Axel and Ryback.

* Daniel Bryan defeat Erick Rowan by interference from Luke Harper. Vickie re-starts the match, making it a tag match.

* Daniel Bryan and CM Punk defeated Erick Rowan and Luke Harper by DQ. Wyatt interferes. Vickie restarts the match as a three on three match including Cena.

* Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and John Cena defeated The Wyatt Family. After the match, John Cena gives a speech to the Troops. “Cena” and “Yes” chants filled the arena.

* Prime Time Players defeated 3MB.

* The Uso and Rey Mysterio defeated The Shield.

* Brie Bella won a Divas Battle Royal match.

* Kofi Kingston defeated Dolph Ziggler.

* R-Truth defeated Fandango.

* Daughtry performed about 4 songs.

* Jeff Dunham did a comedy spot.

* Big Show came out and cut a spot with Peanut. Peanut made fun of shows heights and baldness.

* Big Show defeated Damien Sandow.

* The show concluded with All the Superstars and Divas coming out and doing the YES chant.


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