The Undertaker Says Goodbye, Full WrestleMania 33 Results


WWE was holding their 33rd annual WrestleMania event and Camping World Stadium was filling up with excited fans ready for the WWE to present them with an outstanding show. Many were holding out hopes for plenty of surprises, unforgettable moments, and special appearances.

Related Article: WWE Official Vehicle Spotted At The Broken Hardy Tailgate Party

There was also some holding out hope to see faces they hadn’t seen in WWE for a while like Tamina, Finn Balor, and the Hardys. After all, there wasn’t a SmackDown Tag Team Championship match. So what if the Hardys showed up and simply created a championship match as they are known to do?

They announced that it was an 80-yard walk to the ring from the entrance. Good lord, there had to be people coming down in golf carts tonight. Goldberg had to cut out all of his cardio to get as big as he is now and we know how well the bigger guy do walking a long way to the ring.

Kick Off Show

Neville vs. Austin Aries (WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

The cruiserweights opened WrestleMania 33’s kickoff show. This was a smart move on a couple levels. They could start the night with purple ropes and then change it for the rest of the night. They could also present a stellar showcase of athletic ability between two of the most gifted members of the WWE roster.

Austin Aries finally makes his WrestleMania debut and that felt good to write. The crowd popped huge and this writer marked out hard. The Greatest Man That Ever Lived was prepared to take it to the limit. Neville received a pretty good entrance and looked like a true heel as he walked all the way down to the ring.

The crowd started chanting “Austin Aries” as Neville began to wrench on Aries’ arm. Austin Aries was the one who ended up making the best of a submission move, but it was soon turned around once again by The King Of The Cruiserweights.

These two battled fluidly and were on the top of their game as they exchanged moves before separating to draw more heat on the match. Austin Aries lounged on the ropes and appeared to relax for a moment to “soak in the WrestleMania glow.”

Aries hit an outstanding top rope elbow and got a close two count. Neville powered out of the ring. The crowd began to clap for him as he went for a suicide dive, but Neville kicked him in the head. Neville hit a great top rope drop kick and he took over the match for a bit after that.

Aries rolled out of the way as Neville went for a splash and Austin Aries really took advantage of the situation with a pendulum elbow. The battle of these two competitors wearing silver and gold ring attire continued as Austin Aries hit Neville with a double axe-handle from the top rope as Neville stood on the floor and immediately followed it up with another suicide dive.

Neville soon took over and set Austin Aries up for superplex. Aries blocked it and hit a beautiful top rope dropkick to match Neville’s move earlier in the match. We miss Neville in a purple cape, but he’s a much better heel and heels don’t wear purple capes, they wear ropes.

Austin Aries ended up taking a stiff german suplex from Neville that nearly scorpioned him. Austin looked like he was in trouble. Neville stomped at his downed opponent and smashed Aries’ head as he laid in the corner turnbuckle.

Neville tried to lock in the Rings Of Saturn but Aries turned him over and pinned him. Neville kicked out. Aries hit the Discus Five Arm, but the impact drove Neville out of the ring. Aries had to go out and retrieve Neville, but he refused to get back in the ring. Neville kicked Austin Aries in the ear and he was brought to the mat.

Neville climbed to the top rope and Austin met him there. Aries hit Neville with an outstanding hurricanrana and followed it up with a 450 Splash off the top rope but Neville kicked out. When it looked like Austin was out of ideas, he caught Neville in a Last Chancery. Neville raked Aries’ face and pulled at his damaged orbital socket.

Aries was forced to give up his hold and that wold be his fatal mistake. Neville climbed to the top rope and hit a WrestleMania Red Arrow and pinned Aries for a three count.

It looks like The King Of The Cruiserweights is going to keep his throne for a little longer. But, Austin Aries didn’t lose much heat while losing. He put up an amazing effort and without Neville’s cheap tactics he would have won. It was still an outstanding WrestleMania debut even though he didn’t walk away with the gold.

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

The Big Show was announced at what is said to be his last WrestleMania and received a great response. He walked all the way to the ring and so did Braun Strowman who was announced after him. Once the bell rang the fur went flying.

During the ruckus, Big Show and Braun Strowman finally met face to face. But every other member of the match pounced on them and didn’t let it happen. Strowman eliminated Big Show and then everyone else in the match eliminated Braun Strowman. What the actual f—?! Let’s just chaulk this up to one of many future WrestleMania surprises tonight. They had to mute about 30 seconds of audio because Braun Strowman was cussing so much. That seemed like a shoot.

Now it was anybody’s guess now as to who would win this one now. Now we’re thinking they might be bringing Killian Dain a big win. Obviously people don’t know how much of a threat he can be. Luke Harper also seemed to get comfortable as well. Mojo Rawley was there looking to remain undefeated in kickoff show matches.

Rhyno got eliminated after R-Truth so the thundering herd was thinning. Aiden English took a tough looking elimination too. Breezango were eliminated at about the same time by Tian Bing. Mark Henry was eliminated as well. Bing was looking great for this match. Until Dolph Ziggler eliminated him with a superkick.

Sami Zayn hit a sweet Helluva Kick on Epico to send him shooting off to orbit like the Shining Star he is. Luke Harper focused on Ziggler as some others took a breather. Killian Dain started on Mojo Rawley, but nobody was eliminated for a minute.

Finally Mojo broke that streak by throwing Bo Dallas out in front of his good friend Rob Gronkowski. He followed it up by eliminating Ziggler too.

Luke Harper was eliminated as well to leave 5 in the match. Sami Zayn eliminated Titus O’Neil just before Killian Dain threw Sami out.

Now it was Mojo and Dain and they had a great stand-off. Mojo ran through him with a football tackle, but Jinder Mahal threw Mojo through the middle ropes. Don’t you love it when they defeat the purpose of a match like that? Jinder stomped Mojo down right in front of The Gronk and Jinder got in Gronk’s face.

Mahal insulted Gronk by drinking his beer and throwing the rest of it on him and then ran back in the ring, Jinder ran in the ring and started to focus Dain as security tried to get Gronk back in the ring. Gronkowski decided he wasn’t listening, took his shirt off and gave Jinder a stiff football tackle. Mojo came back in as hyped as ever and eliminated Killian Dain.

Jinder tried to suplex Mojo to the outside of the ring from the apron, but Mojo Rawley caught him with a knee. He bounced off the ropes and smashed Jinder Mahal one last time to win the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Gronk jumped in the ring and celebrated with Mojo like real Hype Bros. He slapped Mojo’s chest really hard a few times with his flat palm. We guess that must be their thing. There were a couple awesome WrestleMania moments and surprises in that one. Excellent battle royal, Mojo’s good at those because he also won the battle royal to gain entry into the 2016 Royal Rumble.

Dean Ambrose vs. Baron Corbin (Intercontinental Championship)

The SmackDown Women’s Championship got bumped to the main show so another title match from the blue brand took its place. Dean Ambrose was set to defend his IC Title against The Lone Wolf Baron Corbin. Yes, this is another surprising moment in this WrestleMania. It looks like they just kept coming.

Dean Ambrose came out ready to have fun in his own way and the crowd loved him for it. These two were so much fun to watch as they meshed very well. Baron Corbin tried to use his size and strength as Dean Ambrose utilized his speed and unique offense.

Dean took a nasty bump to the ring post and Baron Corbin smashed down on him with a couple boots. Corbin took over and Dean sold the injuries masterfully. Corbin hit him and a choke slam deal that looked really good and continued on the outside as he sent Ambrose right in the barricade where Gronk used to be seated, but he’s gone now. Gronk was probably backstage at that point staying hyped with Mojo.

Ambrose looked hurt as he was caught in a submission hold from Corbin. He fought out of it, but Baron hit him with a clubbing blow. Baron charged at Ambrose but he moved and The Lone Wolf took the ring post. Dean Ambrose jumped to the top rope and went for an elbow, but Corbin dropped down with him and brought his knees into Dean’s injured ribs. The commentators kept bringing up that forklift gimmick that happened a few weeks ago on SmackDown Live.

Dean hooked Baron for a Dirty Deeds, but Corbin blocked it. Dean pulled the rope down on a charging Corbin and he left the ring. Dean went for a dive, but ate an elbow from Corbin. It was high spot city for a moment as Baron was driven into the ring steps and then Dean leaped on him from the top rope to the floor.

Dean caught Corbin with a neckbreaker, but Baron kicked out at two. It looks like Corbin tried to hit him with a Deep Six, but Dean slipped out, he was probably too sweaty it was hot AF in Orlando. Ambrose went for that rope deal he does when he comes back and clotheslines a guy, but Corbin hit him right in the face with his boot. Corbin hit a Deep Six and got a two count.

Baron kept trying to conquer Dean until he freaked out and started screaming “3” like a deranged Muppet on Sesame Street. Corbin tried to hit him with an End Of Days, but Dean Ambrose reversed him into a Dirty Deeds and got the three count.

So, if Baron Corbin is getting a push, it won’t be with the IC Tile right now. Chaulk that up as yet another surprise from WrestleMania 33. Needless to say, Renee Young was very happy about this when they went back to the kickoff show panel.

Main Show

As Tinashe sang America the beautiful, Broken Matt Hardy tweeted out a thank you to Orlando for a wonderful week like he was wrapping up his weekend plans. This was distancing him further from the rumors he might pop up in Camping World Stadium. So let’s have a Snickers and enjoy the show.

The New Day came out to kick off the show as hosts of WrestleMania 33 and they were preceded with a massive fireworks display. New Day came out with their New Day Pops cart in tow. Michael Cole mispronounced some Final Fantasy characters because that’s the inspiration of The New Day’s attire.

People were cheering for Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, and Big E and they got the “Who?” gimmick started early on. They did a great job hyping the crowd. It looked like there was a sign in the crowd that said “Justice For Brad Maddox’s Penis”, but that was about it. Big E made a neat little joke about pulling their own levers to start the Ultimate Thrill Ride too, that was funny.

But it was soon to start to real show, and it began with a phenomenal match, to say the least.

AJ Styles vs. Shane McMahon

Shane-O danced and trotted all the way to the ring as they showed his kids at ringside wearing his jersey. AJ Styles received a massive pop as he walked out to his second WrestleMania match trying to score his first Mania win. They didn’t show AJ’s kids at ringside, then again AJ kids aren’t heirs to the McMahon kingdom either.

AJ didn’t look like he was taking Shane too seriously at first, and wrestled around him for a bit saying “I’m going to embarrass him.” Shane tried his best but he couldn’t outwrestle Styles. He leaped over Styles but was caught with a simple snapmare takedown.

The two had another stand-off for a bit and the crowd chanted “AJ Styles.” Shane took Styles down and rolled him up for a pin, but Styles kicked out. Styles got caught with a stiff shot to the face from McMahon and Styles jumped out of the ring.

AJ rolled out of the ring and looked shocked Shane exhibited some wrestling ability. Styles hit him with a straight right. Shane started a rapid punch offense and Styles sold his punches very well. Styles dumped Shane out of the ring and nailed him with a baseball slide that sent Shane McMahon launching over the announce table.

When the action returned to the ring AJ took control. Shane stayed on the ground and took a jumping fist drop from Styles. AJ backed McMahon in the corner and took a hard jumping clothesline. Shane tried to fight back, but AJ answered back with a series of kicks.

AJ went for a quick Phenomenal Forearm, but Shane hit the top rope and AJ landed hard on the inside. When Styles got up he took several stiff punches from Shane. A few of those looked like they made contact. Shane tossed AJ across the ring and hit him with his own version of The Angle Slam. But AJ kicked out at two.

AJ regained control and Shane soon found himself back on the mat. AJ set up for the Style Clash, but Shane didn’t let him get it. AJ changed tactics by getting in a Calf Crusher, but Shane got out of it. McMahon slapped in an armbar, and then the two rolled each other around for two close two counts. After a dobule-clothesline that sent both opponents to the mat, the crowd was impressed at this point and the match received an applause break.

AJ found himself on the apron and set up for the Phenomenal Forearm, he changed to the springboard 450 Splash on a prone McMahon, but Shane caught him with a triangle choke. McMahon kept the hold in until AJ Styles picked him up and turned it into a Styles Clash AND SHANE MCMAHON KICKED OUT.

Both men made it to their feet at the same time and traded shots until Shane started hitting Shane with some knees. AJ went for an overhead kick but accidentally knocked out the referee. AJ noticed the ref was out and got some trash cans, because why not?

AJ set McMahon up in the corner and put a trash can on top of him. It looked like AJ Styles was trying to pull off a Coast To Coast and steal a page out of Shane’s book, but when he was in midair Shane shoved the trashcan into Styles’ face. AJ was down and Shane was up. Now it was time for Shane McMahon to try it.

Shane grabbed another trashcan and set it up on AJ, climbed the opposite side of the ring, and executed a Coast To Coast like it was 2001. AJ KICKED OUT.

Shane went outside and cleaned off an announce table. During the first match, that’s nice for the announce team. Shane went for another elbow off the top rope, but AJ moved and Shane destroyed another WrestleMania announce table. Except there was no crash mat this year.

Shane crawled back in the ring and AJ set up for the Phenomenal Forearm, but McMahon countered and turned it into a DDT. Shane climbed the top rope and went for a shooting star press, but AJ rolled out of the ring and McMahon hit nothing but mat. Shane was out. AJ set up for another Phenomenal Forearm and hit it that time. 1-2-3 and AJ Styles wins! Thank God!

Incredible match, but Shane McMahon really proved a lot. AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon was 100 times better than we ever expected it to be, that’s for sure.

Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens (United States Championship)

You can check out results for this match by clicking here.

Bayley vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax (Raw Women’s Championship)

Bayley and Nia Jax were making their WrestleMania debuts in this elimination match. Only one was the champion and the other a challenger. However, they both had the same 1 in 4 odds. Bayley walked to the ring first as champion with her cape outstretched like Macho Man mixed with a rainbow goddess. She had tubemen at ringside and received a great ovation.

Nia Jax walked to the ring, but Sasha Banks got to ride down on the back of a Boss car. Looks like Sasha is the first person who didn’t have to walk the 80 yards to the ring, it was probably her short legs. Banks also got some fireworks during her entrance and looked confident as ever. Charlotte Flair came out in a robe that looked like she bought it in the Emerald City to a massive fireworks display. It looked like the pyro guys were betting on The Nature Girl.

This match was amazing and each woman turned it out. They wrestled around applying fluid wrestling skills. They really worked well with each other at this point, and they should. Neither woman wanted to be the first one eliminated. Nia also got the chance to show how much of a force she really was with some powerful moves.

At one point, Nia threw Charlotte off the apron and used her like a weapon to take out Sasha and Bayley on the outside. All three women ganged up against Nia and they picked her apart to the best of their ability. But Nia kicked out of an amazing and unique triple team suplex.

The three members of the 4 Horsewomen hit Nia with a triple powerbomb from the top looking more like the Female Shield and they all pinned her to eliminate Jax first.

Charlotte rolled out of the ring and told Bayley and Sasha to fight it out. Brilliant move from Flair. Bayley went out to fight Char Char, and Sasha hit Bayley with a sick flip over the top rope. Charlotte jumped up to the top rope and nailed them both with a superb corkscrew moonsault.

Charlotte went for a Natural Selection on Sasha, but The Boss caught her with a Banks Statement. Flair got out of it and soon found herself removing the turnbuckle pad from the middle buckle.

Sasha hit Charlotte with a stiff chop and a running double knee to Charlotte in the corner. Banks leapt up the the top and landed a top rope double knee drop to get a two count. Charlotte kicked out of a roll up pin and Sasha went right into the exposed middle turnbuckle. Sasha got pinned and was eliminated from the match.

This match was moving fast and we have a feeling some time might have been cut from it. Charlotte drove Bayley’s knees into the exposed turnbuckle, but it didn’t stop Bayley from rolling out of the way and dodging a moonsault from Charlotte. Bayley jumped from the top rope to hit Charlotte, but she was caught in a figure 4 submission. Charlotte couldn’t transition it into a figure 8.

Charlotte picked Bayley up and got her in a tree of woe. Charlotte climbed up and stomped on Bayley’s knee. Bayley turned it around into a back body drop from the top rope and Charlotte went plummeting to the mat. But Bayley was still tied up in the ropes.

Bayley finally got free and stayed on the top rope. She delivered a gorgeous Macho Man elbow and 1-2-3, Bayley won kids! HUGS ALL AROUND! As Bayley held up her belt in celebration the tears welled up in her eyes. It was a well-deserved moment. Every section in the building was a “Hugger Section” when Bayley won at WrestleMania 33.

The Club vs. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Sheamus and Cesaro vs. The Hardys (Raw Tag Team Championship Ladder Match)

It was time for a tag match, which means we were holding our breaths for The Hardys. Enzo and Big Cass came out and the were on fire. The crowd was so behind them as the 80-yard ramp looked like a cheetah-spotted conveyor belt. Sheamus and Cesaro were both wearing suit jackets and black kilts. As they tore their entrance attire to reveal their ring gear the crowd exploded. But, The Club got one of the best ovations for their first WrestleMania as Raw Tag Team Champions. The only thing that could have made it better is if Luke Gallows was wearing face paint like he did in New Japan.

The Raw Tag Team Titles hung way above the ring, and just as they were about to get going the New Day’s music started. Big E came out and said they have just received word but he was cut off with “delete” chants from the crowd. He said this was now a fatal 4-way match. Suddenly The Hardy Boyz came out to their old WWE music and the place went insane!

Although this was expected it’s still one hell of a WrestleMania surprise!!!

They lost the ROH Tag Team Titles in a ladder match last night at ROH’s Supercard Of Honor and now they’re in a ladder match at WrestleMania the next night. The crowd chanted “delete” but Matt and Jeff looked like their old selves. We can’t wait to hear Matt talk to hear what accent he uses.

The Hardy Boyz started to hit their classic Poetry In Motion move and singled out Sheamus and Cesaro before taking out Enzo and Big Cass. “This is awesome” chants filled Camping World Stadium as Jeff Hardy hit a Whisper In The Wind. Matt grabbed a ladder and started using it as an offensive weapon.

The Club soon took advantage and started to beat Matt and Jeff down. Sheamus hit Anderson with a rolling senton as Cesaro jumped off Gallow’s shoulders to hit a double stomp on him. Enzo and Cass tried to take over, Jeff Hardy jumped off the top rope but ran into a boot from Big Cass.

Two ladders were set up from the ring to the apron as the match carried on with the violence. There was a lot happening here. Sheamus and Cesaro started working on The Club with twin signature moves with a Cesaro Swing for every Beat Of The Bodhran. Big Cass ended up taking Cesaro out and threw Enzo onto Cesaro to the outside. Jeff Hardy took out Big Cass with a kick, but a Brogue Kick launched Jeff Hardy outside onto the rest of the participants.

Sheamus found himself alone in the ring and he set up a ladder. As he got his hands on the titles, Gallows climbed up to stop hip. Enzo Amore pushed the ladder down and both men went crashing to the mat. Amore set up the ladder and began to climb as the crowd chanted for him. Big Cass came to help him, but Gallows powerbombed Cass into a ladder. Enzo got his fingers on the titles, but Anderson jumped up to save his titles.

The two men fought on the top of the ladder for a big, but Cesaro broke them up. Sheamus joined him and the looked like they were going to put Sheamus through both ladders. Matt Hardy got back in the ring and delivered a Twist Of Fate, but he was thrown outside.

Karl Anderson fought it out on top of the ladder and Matt Hardy delivered a Twist Of Fate from the top of the ladder! Jeff Hardy climbed a 20-foot ladder and landed a massive Swanton Bomb on Cesaro and Sheamus who were laying on the ladders positioned on the outside. Cesaro might have been dead because he took most of it. But, it gave Matt the chance to climb up and retrieve the titles to continue their Expedition Of Gold!!!

As the fireworks went off all we could think about was “Please give Matt a microphone so we can hear him talk!” But, whether they’re still Broken or not, this is not a dream. It’s just the most epic WrestleMania of all time.

John Cena and Nikki Bella vs. The Miz and Maryse

We get our answer of who is the cool down match after The Hardys returned to capture the Raw Tag Team Titles, it’s the mixed tag match. Seriously though that has to be a record of being the first team to compete in two ladder matches on consecutive nights in two different companies. They also went back in time and went from being Broken back to Boyz.

This mixed-tag match does have some hype though and has been built up by a stream of promos that have been half-shoot. John jumped out of the ring to hug his mother, but when Nikki joined him it looked like his mom was happier to hug her. Nikki and Maryse started off the match and they were ready to settle their bad blood.

Well, Nikki was ready but Maryse backed up and tagged her husband in instead. Miz hammed it up from the crowd and got some excellent heat as John just stood there and let him procrastinate. Miz headlined WrestleMania against John Cena before and he looked like he was ready to put on another major performance in Orlando.

Miz did all he could to keep Cena down and John sold the offense pretty well. “Miz is awesome” chants started as he continued the beat down on Cena. Miz went for another running clothesline in the corner but John moved out of the way and Miz caught nothing but turnbuckle. John Cena couldn’t get the tag though because Maryse pulled Nikki off the apron before he could get to her.

John Cena picked Miz up in a fireman’s carry and looked like he was going for an AA, but Miz got out of it and hit a hard-looking DDT. Miz just stood there and stated Nikki down instead of applying more damage on Cena. Miz began to mock Daniel Bryan by throwing up the “yes” fingers and followed it up with some kicks just like the Bearded Goat.

John Cena caused some separation and got the tag to Nikki. Bella speared Maryse, but Miz pulled his wife out of the ring. Nikki hit the It Couple with a dive through the ropes, but Miz stepped in front of Maryse and took the dive. That’s a change, Miz taking all of the dive because he rarely catches people like that.

Nikki and John delivered a double 5-knuckle shuffle and followed it up with an AA and a Rack Attack 2.0 to secure the win. Al Roker announced their win as the WWE Power Couple hugged in the ring.

John Cena grabbed a microphone and Nikki stood in the ring like she didn’t know what was about to happen. Cena put Nikki over for breaking her neck and coming back for a WrestleMania moment. He told her he was proud of her and set up the events that we saw coming months ago. John Cena then got down on one knee with a massive ring and made next season of Total Divas all that much more epic by proposing marriage to her. She said yes. That’s the biggest surprise of the night.

And there’s your Macho Man/Elizabeth moment of the night people. John and Nikki Cena then jumped out of the ring and hugged John’s mom, Momma Bella, and JJ. We’re sure Brie Bella was at home extremely pregnant and even happier for her older twin sister.

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H (Unsanctioned Match)

Okay, this WrestleMania has not only been one of the greatest of all time so far but it’s also been the most surprising for sure. Now it was time for what was promised to be a brutal unsanctioned match and we had no idea what we were in for, neither did either competitor.

Triple H required a police escort to the ring as he rode a sick three-wheeler to the ring with Stephanie McMahon perched on the back of it. Police in motorcycles preceded The King Of Kings with their lights flashing and sirens blaring. Somewhere in Orlando, they were needing patrolmen.

Triple H revved the engine of his bike and The WWE’s true Power Couple looked badass indeed. Seth Rollins came out in yellow looking like The Bride from Kill Bill. That is a very appropriate analogy here actually.

As soon as the bell rang Seth Rollins started taking closed fist punches to Seth Rollins. He hit a beautiful dropkick and Trips rolled outside. If this is an unsanctioned match, does that mean we could see the Curb Stomp again? That would be lovely.

Seth Rollins ended up clotheslining Triple H over the barricade and the two men started fighting in the crowd for a bit. Seth backdropped Triple H over the barricade and delivered a jump onto him before the action returned to the ring.

Rollins tried to pull off a springboard move, but Triple H grabbed Rollin’ knee. He tried to mount some offense, but Rollins turned it back around for himself. Seth hit two back-to-back suicide dives on Triple H and his knee was looking great so far.

Rollins cleaned off an announce table and the two got on top of it. Triple H reversed and hit a DDT on the table, but the table didn’t break. I AM THE TABLE! Triple H continued the assault on the outside and focused his offense on Seth Rollins’ knee. Trips stood up on the table and surveyed the damage from above.

They got back in the ring and Triple H continued to work on Rollins’ knee. Rollins tried to fight back and ended up putting Hunter face-first into the middle turnbuckle in a move of desperation. Seth climbed to the top turnbuckle and Triple H went up there to meet him. Rollins jumped down to attempt a sunset flip and recreated the first time his knee gave out when he was doing it to Kane the time his knee was first injured. Rollins was really selling his knee and couldn’t keep his weight on it to execute anything.

But he still had the strength to send Triple H flying for a buckle bomb. Triple H took it way better than Sting did.

Rolling hit a forearm to Triple H in the corner and sent Hunter flying over the top rope. Seth Rollins scaled to the top rope and landed a dangerous cross body to WWE’s Vice President Of Talent.

Seth Rollins retrieved two chairs and a table from underneath the ring and sat up the table while Triple H rolled in the ring. Seth climbed to the top rope again and hit a frog splash to the small of Triple H’s back. But he only got a two count.

Triple H hit a vintage spinebuster on Seth Rollins and then he wedged Rollins’ leg in a chair. Trips stomped on the chair to damage Rollins’ knee even more as Stephanie yelled for him to “do it again!” Triple H climbed to the top rope, but Seth Rollins got up and threw a chair into Triple H’s head. That was an unprotected head shot of sorts and Triple H was bleeding a little bit because of it.

Rollins hit Triple with his superplex into falcon arrow move he does so very well but got a two count out of The King Of Kings. Seth climbed to the top rope, but Steph threw him off. Triple H capitalize on it and caught Seth Rollins in an Indian Death Lock leg submission.

Rollins turned it into a submission attempt of his own, but Triple H wouldn’t let him lock it in. Seth rolled to the outside of the ring as Triple H grabbed a chair. Hunter hit Rollins in the knee with a chair and continued the leg submission on the outside. Seth was grasping at whatever he could and grabbed a sledgehammer from under the ring and threw it at Triple H.

Hunter eyeballed the sledgehammer and let the hold go. Seth hit Hunter before he could take a sledgehammer shot, and the two traded stiff shots for a moment. Triple H scored a sick clothesline that turned Rollins inside out. Hunder crawled toward the sledgehammer and finally grabbed his favorite toy.

But just as he walked over to deliver more punishement, Rollins caught him with an ensuguzi. Seth grabbe the sledgehammer and looked at it fondly. Triple H got up slowly as Rollins prepared himself, but Steph came up from behind and Triple H hit a Pedigree. 1-2-kick out!

The two took the action to the top rope and Triple H set Rollins up for a top rope Pedigree. But Seth reversed it into a backdrop. Rollins his a Phoenix Splash onto Triple H that took our breath away but Triple H kicked out at two.

Seth Rollins tried to set Triple H up for a Pedigree, but Triple H fought it. After some amazing counters and Seth almost pulling off a Pedigree, Rollins’ knee gave out and he went to the mat. Steph got involved and Triple H accidentally put her through the table when Seth moved out of the way as he charged at The Architect.

Seth Rollins caught Triple H with a Pedigree and scored a win over The Game. There was no Samoa Joe run-in, there was no Finn Balor return. It was just a standard anything goes match with a dastardly heel manager in Stephanie McMahon. But it was still great.

Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt (WWE Championship)

You can get full results for this match by clicking here.

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar (Universal Championship)

It was time for the Universal Title match in what we expected to be the shortest match of the night by far. Goldberg is 1-0 at WrestleMania with his only victory being against Brock Lesnar.

When the Beast Incarnate came out everyone wanted Jimmy Johns and when Goldberg came out everyone wanted to see him headbutt another door. Both of these behemoths were prepared to knock each other’s heads in and there was no debating that fact.

The entire crowd chanted for both Goldberg and Lesnar as they prepared to go at it for quite possibly the last time. This time the stakes were even higher because the Universal Title was involved. Paul Heyman grabbed the mic from JoJo and didn’t let her finish the introductions. Because he just had to do Brock Lesnar’s himself.

Goldberg got a good sized boo when he was introduced too. These two men walked around the ring for a second and Lesnar hit Goldberg with three German suplexes right off the bat, but was hit by a spear in return, then another spear from Goldberg. Lesnar rolled out of the ring and Goldberg speared him through the barricade and into the time keeper’s booth.

Goldberg threw Brock Lesnar in the ring and went for a jackhammer, but Lesnar hoisted him up for an F5, Goldberg speared Lesnar once more. Golberg approached Brock again and got him up and hit him with a weak looking jackhammer for a two count.

The crowd broke out in a huge “10” chant as Goldberg readied himself for another spear. Brock Lesnar leap-frogged Goldberg’s spear and caught him with another trio of German suplexes. Then he went for a fourth and hit it hard. The fifth one landed even harder. Goldberg was officially a resident of Suplex City.

Brock hit Goldberg with a 9th German Suplex and then a 10th. Goldberg looked hurt as Brock stood over him. Lesnar got Goldberg up for another F5 and connected it. 1-2-3 and Brock Lesnar became the new Universal Champion. Goldberg was dethroned at WrestleMania 33 thanks to 10 German suplexes and an F5. It was absolutely incredible.

Alexa Bliss vs. Every Available Woman On The SmackDown Roster (SmackDown Women’s Championship)

Alexa Bliss came out for her 6-pack challenge and just a reminder, Becky Lynch is the only participant in the match who has actually won a 6-pack challenge before. But that wasn’t going to stop Alexa Bliss, Mickie James (who came out in a weird head dress), Carmella (who came out with an even weirder James Ellsworth), Natalya, and Naomi. The Glow was certainly felt in Orlando.

These women fought each other with a lot of intensity. Alexa took Carmella out and told her she was pathetic. Natalya attacked Bliss and she yelled that Nattie would never be the champion and took her out too. Becky Lynch joined the fray and hit Nattie with a Flying Fire Arm. Beck hit a Becksploder to James Ellsworth when he got in the ring, that was nice.

Naomi hit a leaping powerbomb, German suplex deal and Nattie ended up getting Naomi and Carmella in a double Sharpshooter. We wonder why Bret Hart never tried that one.

These girls were moving fast here and kept hitting each other with signature moves however each pin attempt was broken up by another competitor. Naomi hit a Rear View on Bliss and followed it up by leaping on everyone on the outside. But when she jumped off the top turnbuckle to hit Bliss, she hit her with a right hand.

Naomi ended up locking Alexa Bliss in a submission hold and Alexa Bliss tapped to give The Glow the win. Naomi captured the SmackDown Women’s Championship in her hometown. They moved really fast and it seemed like they might have had some time cut from the match, but it was still a nice little WrestleMania moment for Naomi.

The Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns (No Holds Barred)

Before the match started The New Day came out to announce WrestleMania had broken the Camping World Stadium attendance record with 75,245 people. We wonder how much that number will be disputed later on.

The Undertaker is the Big Dog with a 23-1 WrestleMania record, but Michael Cole announced that we could very well be seeing “the changing of the Big Dog” and that quote made us very nervous, to be honest. The promo before the match seemed to highlight The Undertaker’s career too and that got us worried too. But, The Undertaker has given us so much and most would have already hung up their old west mortician hat at this point. Only one man carried on, and only one man could have carried on like The Undertaker did for so many years.

Before it even started, Jim Ross came down to a thunderous ovation to announce The Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns which added even more significance to the match. By the way, good lord did Reigns get booed as most expected he would. Even though he seems to have a magic fist that sends fireworks down the ramp and fireworks shot in the sky.

JoJo announced this match was a no hold barred match, and that was news to us. Really, did we miss it when they announced that stipulation? That only added to the suspense of what these two had in store for us. Then the lights went out and our childhoods flashed before our eyes as The Undertaker’s gong went off in Camping World Stadium.

The Dead Man rose from the ground and walked to the ring surrounded by a thick cloud of smoke. The crowd was almost hushed for a moment as they were in awe of Taker’s presence. As The Undertaker looked across the ring to Roman Reigns there was a feeling that a torch was about to be passed. We just weren’t ready yet, but then again, we never would be.

Taker took it to Reigns first with some clubbing blows as he tossed Roman out of the ring and said, “this is my yard.” Roman got back in and got thrown back out “it’s still my yard,” Taker said. It’s great Big Evil was throwing Roman out of the ring over the top rope just as Roman did to Taker at the Royal Rumble.

Reigns threw Taker out now, but he landed on his feet. Taker grabbed Roman and pulled him out of the ring. Undertaker threw Reigns into the steel ring steps as the crowd chanted “Roman sucks.”

The action moved back inside and Roman Reigns hit a Samoan Drop on The Undertaker. Taker was getting up slowly as Reigns kicked Taker back down. Big Evil rolled to the outside and Roman followed him. Undertaker hit Roman in the face and scooped him up to send him into the ring post, but Reigns slithered out and threw Taker into the post instead. He hit Taker with a drive by which sent Taker to the mat outside.

Roman threw Undertaker back inside and continued the assault in the corner. Taker stayed on his feet and the two traded shots for a second. Big Evil ended up getting the upper hand and he put Roman in the corner where he hit him with a couple punches. Taker threw Reigns to the other side and hit a snake eyes on Reigns. Taker knocked Reigns on his back with a big boot and got a two count.

The two went back outside. Reigns went for another drive by, but Taker knocked him out of the air with a right hand. The Undertaker cleared off the English announce table (of course they waited to get their table until the main event). Roman fought back and hit Taker with a drive by-type move while using the announce table. Taker caught Reigns in mid air and chokeslammed Reigns on the table but it didn’t break. I AM THE TABLE.

The Undertaker then turned his attention to another announce table and cleared it off for future use. Taker got on the table and signaled for the tombstone just as Roman Reigns speared hm through the Spanish announce table. Taker looked hurt now and he didn’t move for a little bit, it was a good thing there were no count outs in this match.

Reigns made it back to the ring but The Undertaker was still right where he left him. Suddenly, The Undertaker sprung up and re-entered the ring. Roman applied stomps on Taker before he was able to get to his feet in the ring.

Roman hit Taker with a few short clotheslines in the corner and climbed up to hit Taker with some punches. Big Evil grabbed Roman Reigns and sent him for a weak looking Last Ride powerbomb, but Roman got the shoulder up after the two count.

The Undertaker went outside and grabbed a steel chair. Taker hit Reigns with a nice looking big boot and started hitting Reigns with the chair to the back of the Samoan. Taker bent the chair over Reigns’ back, but it’s okay because he had that illegal chest and back protector on. The Undertaker signaled for the chokeslam, and Roman rolled outside.

Roman jumped back in the ring and hit Taker with two Superman punches but Taker stayed on his feet. Reigns went for a third Superman punch, but Taker grabbed him in mid-air and hit him with a chokeslam on the chair. The Undertaker then hit the tombstone piledriver, but Roman kicked out of the pin as the crowd erupted in a sea of boos and chants of “bulls—.”

Roman was down and Taker grabbed him to pick The Big Dog up. He hoisted him up for another tombstone, but Roman squirmed out. Roman then botches some attempt to pick Taker up. It looked like he was trying for a tombstone of his own, but it didn’t work.

Reigns stood in the corner and measured The Undertaker for a spear which he hit on The Dead Man. Roman went for the cover but Taker locked him in his Hell’s Gate submission. Roman looked like he was out cold but got his foot over the bottom rope. The referee broke up the hold even though it’s supposed to be a no holds barred match. No DQ, no count out, but still rope break… okay…

Taker crawled to his chair, but Roman got to his feet first and put his foot on it. Roman started delivering some punishing offense with the chair. He hit The Undertaker way too hard over the back with the chair and Taker couldn’t get to his feet without Roman hitting him back down to the mat.

Taker tried to pull himself back up to his feet using the ropes as Roman sat in the corner and measured himself for another spear. Reigns broke Undertaker in half with a spear, 1-2-kick out! Reigns looked like he didn’t know what to try next. So he set himself up for another spear.

Taker finally pulled himself to his feet as Roman yelled “oooooaahhh” and hit another spear on The Undertaker. 1-2-another kick out! The crowd chanted “Undertaker” as Roman got to his feet and readied himself in the corner again.

Roman cocked his fist and smashed The Undertaker with a Superman punch. Now The Undertaker was flat on his back, but he soon sat right back up before falling over. That was sad to watch.

Roman Reigns looked down and studied The Undertaker. He seemed conflicted and puzzled but he wasn’t done with him yet. Reigns stalked Taker as The Dead Man got to his feet. The crowd booed Roman heavily and Reigns bounced off the ropes, but he didn’t have the right direction for the spear so he had to set him back up.

Roman bounced off the roped three times to gain even more momentum and speared The Undertaker one more time. 1-2-3 and The Undertaker lost his second WrestleMania match.

That was nice that Roman botched the most important spear of his career. Roman left the ring and walked up the 80-yard ramp as he left The Undertaker lying prone in the ring.

Way too many fireworks went off over Roman Reigns’ head as he posed on the ramp. It looked like they used up all the fireworks they had left. Finally, the crowd’s attention was directed to The Undertaker as he remained on his back in the middle of the ring.

“Thank you Taker” chants filled the stadium and he had some trouble getting up. But once he did, he received a thunderous ovation.

The Undertaker put his hat and trenchcoat back on and the lights turned to blue. The Dead Man’s music hit and he stood in the ring looking out at the WWE Universe. Every person in attendance and watching at home sent out their thanks to Mark Calaway for such a legendary career.

“Thank you Taker” chants filled Camping World Stadium as Taker took off his gloves one by one. He sat his gloves down in front of him and began taking off his trenchcoat. He balled his coat up and put it on top of his gloves. Finally The Dead Man reached for his hat and took it off slowly to reveal the man underneath it. Mark put his hat on top of his gloves and jacket as the crowd applauded his historic career and fire erupted on the entrance ramp.

He didn’t perform his legendary pose on one knee, he didn’t stick out his tongue and creep children out, he simply left the ring, kissed his wife Michelle McCool who was at ringside, and walked up the ramp. It was one of the most memorable moments in WWE history.

He did stop midway up the ramp with his back to the camera and take one more look at the WWE Universe that filled Camping World Stadium before raising his fist as a lightening bolt struck above his head. Then he left for quite possibly the last time. It looks like the next time we see him, if we ever do, he won’t be a wrestler, he will be retired.

One thing is for sure, this WrestleMania was full of plenty of moments that will have people talking for a long time to come.


  1. It’s unfortunate that Taker didn’t go out on top. The only reason He went out on his back, is because Vince insists on pushing his pet neanderthal.


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