WWE has a great roster of talent. The roster in WWE looks better than it has in quite some time and ever since WrestleMania the powers that be have been doing a great job when it comes to pushing the right superstars. It’s understandable that you can only focus on so many people at one time but there seems to be quite a few great superstars that have been unable to reach their full potential due to lack of opportunities. Today we’re going to take a look at WWE’s most underutilized superstars.
#5 – Fandango
Fandango did the impossible upon his debut. He took one of the worst gimmicks of all time and made it work. This guy has charisma, he has ring presence and he can deliver when put in the right situations. WWE seemed intent on pushing Fandango but they have seemingly all but given up on making him a major player. Fandango has been relegated to a meaningless feud with Santino that seems like it may never end.
Fandango could be a big time player in WWE. The guy knows how to put on a great match all he needs is an opportunity. If he can be somewhat successful with his current gimmick, imagine what he could do with a good one.
#4 – The Miz
Whether you love him or hate him you have to admit, when The Miz was WWE Champion a few years ago, he wasn’t out of place in the main event scene. What is The Miz doing in WWE nowadays? Is he a wrestler? Is he a commentator? Is he a talk show host? No one seems to really know.
He may not be the greatest in the ring (although he’s improved quite a bit) but The Miz does a great job at playing his character. Most people figured his career was set when he main evented WrestleMania 27 but he’s fallen very far since.
The Miz needs to be a ruthless heel again and he needs a legitimate feud. He can be anywhere on the card, tag team division, IC Title division, WWE Title division, all he needs is the right opportunity to make himself relevant again.
#3 – Damien Sandow
WWE seemed intent on pushing Damien Sandow to the moon when he debuted, so what happened? Damien seems to be lost in the shuffle lately and relegated to comedy-jobber status. Although he’s great at playing that part, there’s so much more that this man can do.
Damien proved during his feud with Cody Rhodes last year that he has everything it takes to be a top superstar in WWE. He then went on to have a short feud with John Cena that showcased a side of Sandow we had never seen before. The truth is, this guy has the “it factor” and WWE needs to find a good feud for him so that he can show the world what he can do. There’s still plenty of time for Sandow to become a big player in WWE but at the moment his character lacks direction.
#2 – Kofi Kingston
Kofi Kingston is without a doubt one of the best performers on the current roster but much like everyone else on this list, he lacks direction. He’s held just about every title in WWE with the exception of the big one. Kofi may never make it to main event status and although he’s talented enough to do so, it’s not necessary for him to be a big time player in the company.
Kofi has shown time and time again that he can steal the show and he’s also made a big mark on WWE’s tag team division. If WWE isn’t willing to elevate Kofi to the top of the card then giving him another solid run in a tag team with someone like Tyson Kidd would be the perfect spot for this talented athlete to showcase his skills week after week. WWE needs a high flyer that fans can look forward to watching every week and Kofi is that man.
#1- Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler has all the tools to make it to the top of WWE but the company seems unwilling to push him. He’s great in the ring, he’s great on the mic and the fans love him. What else do you need? This time last year Dolph was World Heavyweight Champion and most assumed that he had cemented his place as a main eventer but that was not the case. Shortly after dropping the title to Alberto Del Rio, Dolph fell down the card and quickly.
Nowadays Dolph has no clear direction just like everyone else on this list. He seems to be the designated Monday Night Raw celebrity ambassador despite the fact that he’s an amazing in ring performer and on the receiving end of a lot of love from the fans. Dolph doesn’t need to necessarily be WWE World Heavyweight Champion or at the top of the card but a meaningful feud between Dolph Ziggler and just about anyone would do wonders for the current WWE product.
If you want to be a WWE superstar you have to work hard and be patient. This man has worked hard for many years and he deserves better than the hand he’s being dealt at the moment.
Could not agree more with this list. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a huge Dolph Ziggler fan. His feud with Edge with genius and he was an awesome World Heavyweight Champion. If they were to tag team he and Miz, they could have something there. Both are great on the mic and maybe some of Dolph’s in ring skills could rub off on Miz.
Ziggler is one of my least favorite in the ring even though he is from my home town… He has a few good moves, but I tend to find his move set bland, he doesn’t incorporate his character into his moves as well as he could (Think Undertaker/Kane). I think Kofi and Sandow deserve more of a push for sure, Kofi’s show stopping ability is only rivaled by one person, and if he got the push, he’d do great. I just don’t think the WWE thinks he has the mic skills to talk every week and cut promos. Sandow’s ability to piss off the crowd is an obvious sign that this guy needs to fued with someone with a baby face. The Miz is awful. Again, another one from my home town, but the guy is using probably the most overused gimmick in the wrestling industry, the cocky loudmouth bad guy, and he brings absolutely nothing new to that character. His in ring ability is sub par as well. Fandango is a gimmick, he’ll be Santino V2 until he retires, which sucks because the crowd seems to love him.