Spoiler: Former WCW World Champion Returns At Impact Wrestling Tapings, Slammiversary Main Event

impact wrestling

The stars of Impact Wrestling have been entertaining fans in the Impact Zone down in Orlando, FL over the past few days, and several stars returned to the company. During the live episode of Impact Wrestling on Thursday night, Sonjay Dutt returned and inserted himself in the X-Division Championship match.

Sonjay Dutt wasn’t the only X-Division pioneer who returned on Thursday night, as Low Ki also entered the main event, and when the bell rang at the end of the match, it was Low Ki who walked out with the X-Division Championship.

Now another former Impact Wrestling star has returned to the company, and he also happens to be a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Scott Steiner returned at the Impact Wrestling tapings on Sunday night.

During the tapings Josh Mathews was in the ring with Jeremy Borash and Joseph Park, and Scott Steiner returned then chased Jeremy Borash away while Josh Mathews hit Joseph Park with a low blow. Scott Steiner then hit the Steiner Recliner on Joseph Park.

Scott Steiner will team up with Josh Mathews to take on Joseph Park and Jeremy Borash at Slammiversary.


During the Impact Wrestling tapings on Sunday, EC3 defeated James Storm and Magnus to earn the right to challenge Bobby Lashley for the World Heavyweight Championship at Slammiversary.

According to fans in attendance, James Storm hit the Last Call and EC3 stole the pin. Slammiversary is set to take place on July 2, 2017.


  1. You’d think that after all these years, Steiner would consider a slight change in his presentation. God, I hate that stupid chain mail thing he wears.


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