Scott Hall On If He Would Accept A Job With WWE Or TNA


Scott Hall, also known as Razor Ramon, joined Nani for PANDEMONIUM on Wednesday night on VOC Nation Network. Hall will be appearing at the Big Event NY convention from 10AM-2PM on Saturday, 11/8 at the LaGuardia Plaza Hotel in Flushing, NY. You can listen to the entire interview at

Here are a few excerpts from what the former WWE/WCW/TNA professional wrestler & 2014 WWE Hall of Fame Inductee had to say:

What his life is like right now:

“I couldn’t be happier, actually. I mean, both of my kids are chasing their dreams. My daughter Cassidy is 19. She’s a sophomore at the University of Central Florida down in Orlando so she’s chasing her dream of higher education. You know, college ain’t for everybody. It wasn’t for me… it doesn’t seem to be for Cody. So we moved to Atlanta & decided to focus on getting him into the indie scene & taking it from there. I’m happy to announce that Cody has been invited to train & live in Japan. He’s been offered a spot in the dojo for New Japan Pro Wrestling. So things couldn’t be scripted better. It’s exactly how we talked about. We wanted Japan first & then maybe Europe & then NXT so , I mean, we’re right on track with everything. Everything is going great for me. I feel like I’m going to wake up & someone is going to tell me it’s a dream. But so far, I’m sleeping soundly.

If he will be going with his son, Cody, to Japan:

“Not initially. I mean, I would like to go over there when he debuts. He’s just going to be training & you know, going to shows. He’s not going to be having matches. It’s just, initially, just training & stuff, which he’s ready for. So I won’t be going right away, no.”

Whether he would ever take on any roles in Creative, Managing, or Color Commentator in WWE or TNA if it was offered to him:

“Yeah, I mean, I would certainly be flattered… I don’t really think I’d consider a spot with TNA. No disrespect to TNA but I just wouldn’t. I would love to work in the WWE but I don’t know whether if that’s ever going to happen. I find that I love working with the young guys. I remember now… like they bring the old-timers around. You know, they bring me around. I remember when I was actively on the roster & they would bring in Killer Kowalski or different guys would come in & I’d be like, ‘Oh wow. Yeah. That’s a legend. He’s so cool.’ They would just bring the old timers around just to have them at catering & stuff like that, just so the boys could mark out for them. I got to go to the Hulk’s birthday at RAW &, of course, the Hall of Fame was really fun. It’s really cool to be around these young guys & have these guys who are actively on the scene going, ‘Man, I grew up watching you. You’re the best’ & all that & I never get tired of hearing that so I would welcome that. I think that I have something to offer but right now I’m just trying to work on getting & keeping my stuff straight.”


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