Rumor Killer: CM Punk Not Returning To The Ring With 5 Star Wrestling

cm punk

A little while ago we reported about how CM Punk was offered $1 million to return to in-ring competition. The company offering up all that dough was 5 Star Wrestling. They are a promotion based in the United Kingdom and have built up quite a reputation for themselves. Well, some now believe CM punk took the bait and accepted their offer.

The owner of 5 Star Wrestling, Daniel Hinkles appears that he announced CM Punk is going to participate in the 128 man tournament starting on June 10th in Liverpool. This would be great news if it were true. Unfortunately, the tweet was sent from a fake account.

But let’s break this down and see how this would make sense if Punk came back to pro wrestling like this.

If CM Punk were only singing for one match in a tournament for $1 million, then he would probably lose the match. It would be hard to imagine CM Punk losing a big tournament in the opening round unless it was to someone who really deserved to be put over.

But it was all a sham and there is no reality to the rumor. It just boils down to the fact that some people have way too much time on their hands.

If you want to see CM Punk right now, you can catch him on the current season of MTV’s The Challenge: Champs vs Pros. Fans in the United Kingdom really shouldn’t be holding their breath in regards to CM Punk accepting the offer. After all, he really doesn’t need the money.

While we’re on the subject of CM Punk return ruses, he wasn’t at NXT TakeOver: Chicago last night either. If you see pictures of CM Punk in the audience at the All State Arena they were photoshopped. It’s crazy to believe that someone would post something like this knowing how short of a half-life a lie like that would have. But it still caused a little hysteria. That’s why we just wanted to clarify.



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