Released WWE Star Had Backstage Heat


Last week WWE released a number of Superstars and several of them have been reflecting on their time with the company on social media. Mansoor and Mace have been talking about their run with the company on Twitch, and recently Mansoor shared some details about the 51 man battle royal he won at Super ShowDown in 2019.

According to Mansoor he actually had backstage heat ahead of the match because he didn’t introduce himself or shake hands with any of the other wrestlers. He noted that Mustafa Ali pulled him aside and later he made an effort to fix his mistake.

“All 51 people in the Battle Royal (at WWE Super ShowDown 2019) are in a big room… And Jamie Noble is going over the match and Heath Slater keeps shouting, ‘Okay, but who’s winning?’ And Jamie’s like, ‘Hold on’ and then finally, Heath’s like, ‘Who’s winning the damn thing?’ And Jamie’s like, ‘The NXT kid’s winning, okay!?’ And everybody turns to me and looks at me. I’m like, ‘Uh,’ so I go hide in a separate locker (room) because when I did my tryout, we went to that same venue and they had us go to a storage closet.

So I went to the same storage closet and I remember (Mustafa) Ali pulled me aside and said, ‘Hey dude, you got heat man.’ I was like, ‘What? What happened?’ He goes, ‘You didn’t say hi to anybody, you didn’t introduce yourself, you didn’t shake anybody’s hand…’ Yeah, I did (think I had heat with Kofi Kingston). I was really, really sad about that. I was like, ‘Oh my God. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that at all. I just thought that that’s not what you do here.’ He’s like, ‘Of course it is. Were you not told that?…’ And this is before our run by the way so this was my first time ever talking to Ali and funnily enough, he was like, ‘Yeah, Claudio said that he was pissed.’ I was like, ‘No!’ Because I’m a huge Cesaro fan and I would end up working him, obviously, later.

So, I made sure, in the Battle Royal — well funny, in the Battle Royal, I was standing around and I was next to Luke Gallows and I said, ‘Hey, I know this is probably a weird time to say this but I’m a huge Talk’n Shop fan’ and he was like, ‘Pretty cool.’ Anyway, afterwards, I shake everyone’s hand, I say, ‘Thank you, thank you very much,’ introduce myself to everybody.”

H/T POST Wrestling