Major WWE Feud Reportedly Far From Over


It was a big weekend for wrestling fans as Backlash aired live from Puerto Rico and Cody Rhodes faced off against Brock Lesnar in the main event. Lesnar turned on Cody Rhodes the night after WrestleMania 39, and for weeks Cody waited to get his revenge.

While Cody took a beating during his match with The Beast Incarnate he also scored a decisive victory as he pinned Brock Lesnar’s shoulders to the mat while Lesnar had The American Nightmare in the Kimura. Even though Cody picked up a win Lesnar may not be through with him just yet.

According to the WRKD Wrestling account Cody’s feud with Brock Lesnar is far from over. Cody Rhodes was recently confirmed for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship tournament, but it’s being said that Lesnar will make his intentions known soon.

After he was defeated by Cody Rhodes on Saturday night Brock Lesnar looked shocked as Cody Rhodes left the ring and Backlash came to an end. You can find out what happened with Brock Lesnar after the show went off the air here.