the shield

Jon Moxley spent years working as Dean Ambrose in WWE, and he immediately made a major impact when he joined the main roster as a member of The Shield. The trio were known for their riot gear that they used to wear, and they also tried to add masks to their look.

During a recent appearance on Talk Is Jericho former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley talked about trying to get a good picture of The Shield for his new book, and while talking about the photo saga he revealed that Vince McMahon hated the masks.

“They know who frickin Roman Reigns looks like. They know what I look like. They know what The Shield look like. They already know. We don’t need to show them a picture of it. I went screw it, we’ll go the opposite direction. We won’t have a picture of The Shield. I found like my one old SWAT vest they had and a pair of boots a The Shield mask that we wore for big shows that Vince hated, even though we would have sold millions of them. We had these cool Sub Zero ninja masks. We busted them out at WrestleMania, and we looked cool as f*ck, I’m not gonna lie.

“The next night Vince was just furious. He’s like, ‘They can’t see your faces! Get rid of the masks!’ And the merchandise guys were mortified. They’re like, ‘They’re already coming up with designs. We’re gonna sell millions of these.’ Vince was like, ‘No, you can’t see their faces!’ We did it in Australia again just to piss him off, and we didn’t tell him, like years later, and boy, they got pissed again. Vince just hated those masks. So I put my Shield gear, basically, on the floor of my garage and lit it in a artistic, stylistic way, and that’s the only picture of The Shield, just a picture of my old gear.”

H/T Wrestling Inc.