Ken Anderson did a Twitter Q & A last night while TNA Impact was on the air. You can check out some highlights below:

On what made him get into wrestling
-”I’ve always been drawn to sports and the entertainment industry in general. Wrestling is a beautiful amalgamation of the two.”

Best advice he’s ever gave or been given and who gave it.
– “Do it right the first time or don’t bother doing it at all. My Dad.”

Best thing about being a professional wrestler.
-”Everything: travel, meeting great people, putting smiles (or frowns) on peoples’ faces, the boys (and girls)”

His thoughts on Bully’s actions at Lockdown
-”Bobby Roode going through a table is always fun for me to watch. I don’t care who does it”

His thoughts on Willow
-”I love “The Willow” I can’t take my eyes off the screen when he’s acting crazy. That’s the point, right?”

The best match he’s had in TNA
-”vs Kurt Angle at LockDown”

Who inspired him to become a wrestler
– “@steveaustinBSR was the guy who sparked my passion. Hard 2 narrow it down after that. So many great performers paved the road.”

His most memorable feuds
– “My feuds with @REALBully5150, @RealKurtAngle, and @JEFFHARDYBRAND come to mind!”