
Once upon a time Jeff Jarrett was the man in charge at Total Nonstop Action, better known to wrestling fans as TNA. Then Dixie Carter’s regime took over, and a few years ago Jeff Jarrett parted ways with TNA and he launched Global Force Wrestling. Jarrett filmed several episodes of a GFW television series called AMPED, but the series never got picked up by a TV network, so the footage has been sitting on the shelf.

Fast forward to 2017 where Jeff Jarrett is now once again the man steering the ship for TNA, which is now called Global Force Wrestling. Jeff Jarrett’s old company merged with his new company and TNA/Impact Wrestling official became GFW a few months ago. Are you confused yet?

Now that TNA is GFW, the old Global Force Wrestling AMPED episodes are finally being released as an anthology series on pay-per-view. One thing that fans might find strange about the anthology series is that it features several stars who are currently on the WWE roster due to the fact that it was shot a few years ago when these stars weren’t working for World Wrestling Entertainment.

GFW has already released videos of NXT Champion Bobby Roode and current WWE star Curt Hawkins promoting the anthology series, and they’ve been trying to pass the videos off as current footage.

The latest attempt to use a current WWE star to promote the series comes in the form of a video showing The Bollywood Boyz, who are now known as The Singh Brothers in WWE, talking about realizing their dreams in GFW.

The video states that, “The Bollywood Boyz are a major part of GFW AMPED,” but one has to wonder if this approach is working, because a quick glance at the comments section on YouTube says that if anything, all GFW is doing is confusing people by utilizing this promotional strategy.

You can check out the latest video below.

On this week’s episode of Still Real Radio we’re talking about the road to SummerSlam, who might walk out of the big event as Universal Champion and more. We’re also talking about the possibility of another WWE Superstar Shake-up, and which stars might be better off getting sent to NXT. New episodes of Still Real Radio are available every Wednesday, and uou can subscribe to the show on iTunes, and check out the latest episode below.