dean ambrose

Dean Ambrose is one of the top stars in WWE, and he’s also one half of the Raw Tag Team Champions at the moment. Ambrose has accomplished a lot during his run on the main roster as he’s managed to win the WWE Championship, Intercontinental Championship, United States Championship, WWE Tag Team Titles, and he’s feuded with some of the biggest names WWE currently has to offer.

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Ambrose is a very busy man at the moment as he’s currently wrapped up in a Shield reunion, which Roman Reigns hasn’t been able to participate in recently, so he’s been teaming up with big names such as Triple H and Kurt Angle. But he took some time out of his busy schedule to take part in a Q&A session with

During the Q&A session Dean Ambrose was asked if there’s anything he misses about life on the indies, and he responded by simply saying, “blood.”

Blood isn’t seen very often on WWE programming nowadays, but if you’ve ever seen footage from Dean Ambrose’s Jon Moxley days then you’re probably familiar with the fact that he’s shed his fair share of it.

Ambrose was also asked if he could get the definitive answer to one mystery/conspiracy theory what would it be, and he said that he wants to know the truth about Bigfoot.

“The Patterson-Gimlin film, original Bigfoot video, always wanted to know.”

The answers were short, but for the record we now know that even though Ambrose hasn’t been to Area 51, he has seen a UFO.

“Nah, I seen a UFO or some top secret flying something or other from my backyard though!”

It’s a crazy world we’re living in.