bray wyatt

Cedar Rapids, Iowa hosted WWE Smackdown’s live tour Sunday night and there were plenty of excited fans in attendance at the US Cellular Center ready to see their favorite superstars go at it.

John Cena was in the building, even though AJ Styles wasn’t there again, but it was certainly a great night of WWE action. AJ was actually advertised for the event too, and while there were more than a few fans disappointed, it wasn’t made into too much of an issue because they still got a star-studded show.

Another interesting note is that Randy Orton wasn’t on this show after he gave the entire crowd the finger and a crotch-chop at Saturday night’s event. He simply might not have been scheduled, but who knows at this point. We’re sure the office doesn’t want people blatantly giving out fingers and crotch chops to entire audiences in 2017, but we’ve been surprised before.

Before the event started, Becky Lynch and Natayla decided to blur the lines of shoot and kayfabe as they posed for this adorable picture wearing each other’s t-shirts.

Kalisto defeated Curt Hawkins leaving many to wonder exactly what Hawkins’ current deal with his gimmick is. We’re wondering the same thing. Matt Facts 3.0 isn’t working, they need to try something else because he’s way better than that.

Alexa Bliss came out on top of her 5-way match against Becky Lynch, Tamina, Natayla, and Carmella. This match had many of the same spots that multiple-person matches do as someone would take a bump, then take a nap allowing another two competitors to wake up and go at it. Becky was very over, but Little Miss Bliss won this outing. She looks so good with that belt.

During the Dean Ambrose and Miz match there was a squabble where Maryse ended up getting ejected from ringside. Miz handled it well as proof from the tweet below.

Ambrose won this encounter after Maryse was unceremoniously kicked out of the ringside area. It was said to be a good contest, and Miz had the chance to work the microphone in order to attain a massive amount of heat and mimic a Rick Rude line as he called the crowd a bunch of “fat, lazy, Cedar Rapids hogs.” Quality entertainment.

In somewhat of a shocker, Apollo Crews pulled out a win over Dolph Ziggler. Heel Ziggler has had some steam behind him, but the good guy won this encounter in Cedar Rapids.

American Alpha might have defeated Breezango and The Usos in Cedar Rapids, but they didn’t have much fan support behind them. This is troubling as the office often views a house show response as a genuine reaction from the fanbase. They need to do something else with them quickly.

The main event of the evening was a 4-way match featuring Bray Wyatt, Baron Corbin, John Cena, and Luke Harper. Although the Eater of Worlds won the match, Cena got his heat back at the end of the night by putting Bray through a table to send the crowd home happy. After all, in the end Cena must pose.

Harper stuck around in the ring during the final fan reactions of the night. He’s transitioning into that face role smoothly at this point. It’s really working out well for him especially considering the strong babyfaces they’re pairing him up with.

There were a handful of excellent social media posts that we just couldn’t leave out, but we didn’t want to put them in the article to save you guys the time. So, here you go: