WWE Smackdown Results 12/26/2013


WWE Smackdown Results 12/27/2013

WWE taped the December 27 WWE SmackDown episode from the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas. Here are full WWE SmackDown spoilers.

Dark Match

Los Matadores defeated El Locals.

WWE SmackDown Spoilers

John Cena came out to a loud pop and opens SmackDown. He included a Hulk Hogan reference in his promo while talking about last week’s Raw (12/23). He talks about this being the last SmackDown of 2013. He wants the rematch against Randy Orton. The Shield attacks him and beats him down. Mark Henry came out for the save but got beaten down. Big E Langston came out and the babyfaces took care of business. Kane then came out to make the matches for tonight and announces Dean Ambrose vs. Big E, Seth Rollins vs. Cena and Roman Reigns vs. Henry.

Erick Rowan and Luke Harper defeated The Usos. The Uso Brothers received a good pop. The Wyatt Family took care of business quickly. Bray entered the ring afterward to hit Sister Abigail to end the segment.

Backstage interview with Randy Orton talking about being champion. Dolph Ziggler interrupts Orton talking. Kane appears, breaks the interview up and makes Orton vs. Ziggler for later tonight.

Antonio Cesaro defeated Cody Rhodes. Cesaro won the match in roughly five minutes.

Darren Young and Titus O’Neil defeated Ryback and Curtis Axel. Young rolled up Axel for the win.

Randy Orton defeated Dolph Ziggler. Orton came out with both belts on his shoulder. Ziggler now has a strain of pink in his hair. Said to be a great match. The ending saw Orton hit his RKO for the win.

After the match Orton hit Ziggler with an RKO and then took him outside and threw Ziggler in an ugly manner. The segment concluded there.

Daniel Bryan defeated Damien Sandow. A great match with Bryan hitting his running knee. Video footage was shown of this past Monday’s Raw (next week) After the match, Bray Wyatt came out with the family to deliver a good promo that got some good heat. Bryan came out to one of loudest pops of the night.

Big E Langston (w/John Cena and Mark Henry) defeated Dean Ambrose (w/Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins). After the Shield were all on floor, Langston got Ambrose in ring and hit the Big Ending for the win.

Roman Reigns (w/Ambrose and Rollins) defeated Mark Henry (w/Cena and Langston). Both go back and forth with their offense, but Henry is a beast and picked him up like he was Daniel Bryan. Reigns came back with some nice moves followed by the spear for the win. Support for Reigns from the crowed. Mark Henry did a great job of selling the Reigns spear.

John Cena (w/Langston and Henry) defeated Seth Rollins (w/Ambrose and Reigns). Cena got a great pop as he hit Rollins with the Attitude Adjustment for the win. The faces celebrated. This was said to be a great match.

Dark Match Main Event

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match
John Cena defeated Randy Orton by DQ. Cena called out Orton for the championship. Cena told Orton that both titles need to be handed to referee for the title to be on the line. It was announced as main event for the title. Orton did a little Hulk Hogan ear thing. The match lasted longer then a normal dark match but saw the usual formula with Orton hitting Cena with the WWE World Heavyweight Title for the DQ, and then Cena getting the AA to end the night.


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