
Throughout the course of WWE history fans have seen many title belts come and go, but it looks like at least one of them could be coming out of retirement sooner than later.

Recently the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase has been involved in a storyline with Cameron Grimes in NXT, and Andrew Zarian reported on the Mat Men podcast that the Million Dollar Belt will be returning to TV.

“He’s gonna appear in the ring next week with Grimes…Million Dollar Belt is back. I can confirm the Million Dollar Belt is back baby!

“Sorry to the individual that told me but Million Dollar Belt is coming back. I don’t know for how long but they’re gonna have it on TV. People are very excited within WWE about the Million Dollar Belt.”

Ted DiBiase first introduced the Million Dollar Championship in 1989 and the belt made various appearances on WWE programming through 1996. The belt was reactivated in 2010 by Ted DiBiase Jr. but was deactivated later that year.

H/T WrestleTalk.com