WWE Is Making Aggressive Moves Overseas, Big Names At Dubai Tryouts


We previously reported William Regal was on his way to Dubai this week and probably hosting a WWE tryout. He enjoyed a really great movie on the way too. In the latest issue of The Observer, a lot of the names from that tryout were released and there were some pretty big international names at the tryout.

WWE is protecting their international territory with this move. They are getting into India in a big way. WWE is trying to scoop up the physical Indian market before the competition does. Impact Wrestling is planning a show on Indian television that will feature big stars from India. Therefore, WWE is getting in there ahead of them and snagging some of India’s biggest names.

India is a huge market. They account for the most social media followers for WWE out of any country, including the United States. They are a powerful voice in the internet wrestling community and WWE wants to make them happy. They also want more of India’s money. Therefore WWE is getting as many names as possible that Indian fans might be familiar with.

WWE has already made a move to capture Indian interest even more by pushing Jinder Mahal out of nowhere and bringing up The Singh Brothers to join him. This very well might be like what WWE recently did in the UK by signing as many top talents as they could to appear for them and limit what other work they could take. At the time WWE was reportedly trying to get ahead of the World Of Sport Show before could Jeff Jarrett negotiate in there as well.

At this tryout, it appears as though WWE was particularly going after guys from The Great Khali’s wrestling school. The school is actually run by Ricardo Rodriguez, but Khali’s name is much bigger so they put him on it. People love The Punjabi Playboy.

Here’s a list of some of the notable names WWE had at the tryout:

  • Ha Rman Saini — Champion of Great Khali’s Promotion
  • Shanky Singh —  Billed As A Seven-Foot-Tall Giant
  • Panjak — Half Of The Tag Team Champions
  • Walid Yari — Bodybuilder
  • Saurav Gurjas — Kickboxer
  • James Garrad — UK Professional Strongman
  • Islam Gongon — Egyptian Bodybuilder
  • Mo Ismail — Egyptian Athlete/Actor
  • M Manaf — MMA Fighter

WWE had a few other professional wrestlers to appear at the tryout as well. Crimson Cage and Fayez Al Emerate both showed up. Female pro wrestler Davi Kavita also appeared to show William Regal what she could do.

Mo Ismail is a particularly impressive individual. He’s an actor, producer, DJ, MC, Dubai FPC Men’s Physique champion, Mr. Olympia 2016 competitor (Top 6), and ex-American football player. So this guy covers all the bases for WWE.

This is only a sign of what is to come. As WWE moves to secure these markets, you can expect to see more international names on WWE television. After all, they are called World Wrestling Entertainment for a reason. They’re just finally taking over the world.



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