WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match Set For WrestleMania 33


The field was wide open in regards to who would go on to face Neville for the Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania and the King Of The Cruiserweights’ opponent would be chosen in a 5-way elimination match on 205 Live. Austin Aries, Akira Tozawa, Tony Nese, TJ Perkins, and The Brian Kendrick would battle it out to determine who will reign supreme and advance to a title match at the show of shows.

This match was full of stiff shots and fast-paced action. All five men threw each other around and even though only one man would win, each man wanted to grab that brass ring. Kendrick and Aries showed their veteran knowledge by relaxing on the side of the ring while the match got going.

Seeing A Double back in action is such a good feeling. he’s so good and has the ability to not only make anyone he’s in the ring with look good, but he also looks good while proving he’s the Greatest Man That Ever Lived.

They kept up the Tozawa/Kendrick rivalry in this match well but were also able to shake it up a little to allow each man to trade opponents throughout the contest. Tony Nese also got a few chances to prove why he’s the Premier Athlete, which is a very good thing. There is a huge upside to Nese, and while they might not pull the trigger on him yet he’s a loaded pistol ready to fire at any time.

Kendrick broke up a pin Tozawa had on Nese just because he could, but it didn’t end well for Brian as he ended up taking some stiff kicks and one of those brutal suicide dives. This resulted in a sequence where each man got a high-risk maneuver off except for Austin Aries. Instead, he was thrown from the top turnbuckle onto the floor.

After that, Tony Nese hit A Double with a stiff running knee which sent both of them through the timekeeper’s area exploding the barrier. So, Austin got to take a nice little nap.

TJP soon locked Nese in a cross armbreaker and the Premier Athlete tapped out for the first elimination. However, he didn’t take the loss well as he hit Perkins with a cheap shot.

Tozawa came from behind to get Nese out of the match, but Kendrick hit him with a Sliced Bread #2 and got the pinfall to make Akira Tozawa the second elimination of the match.

As Kendrick and TJP battled on the top rope, Austin Aries climbed back up to the ring and got underneath them to send both competitors to the mat in a hard and awkward tower of doom type move.

Aries and Perkins hit Kendrick at the same time to send him outside. After a quick sequence of near falls and reversals, TJP was eliminated via a double pin. Kendrick got Aries in the Captain’s Hook, but Perkins broke it up.

The Brian Kendrick hit Aries with Sliced Bread #2, but A Double kicked out. Kendrick then slapped on the Captain’s Hook again, but Aries eventually got out of the move. A Double hit Kendrick with his running elbow and got the three count. That was a fantastic match full of 5 men who were not only had WrestleMania on their minds but were out for themselves.

Austin Aries is going to WrestleMania to face Neville for the Cruiserweight Championship.



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