Vince McMahon Had To Be Talked Out Of Taking A Major Bump During The Attitude Era

vince mcmahon

The Attitude Era gave fans plenty to talk about as there were some death defying spots that took place on WWE programming. At one point the New Age Outlaws took their feud with Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie to the next level when they put them in a dumpster then pushed the dumpster off the stage which sent it crashing to the floor below.

During a recent episode of Foley Is Pod, Mick Foley reflected on the infamous spot and he noted that Vince McMahon had to be talked out of doing it himself.

“Vince McMahon had to be talked out of taking a dumpster bump earlier in the day. He wanted to do it himself [laughs]. I was like, ‘Vince, you own and run this company. We don’t know what’s going to happen. What happens if you’re badly hurt?”

Mick Foley then imitated Vince McMahon’s voice when he said, “‘I would never want any of you to do something that I wouldn’t be willing to do.’ Then I pulled him over to the side. I was like, Vince, it’s my gimmick, right? You’re gonna kill my gimmick if you’re taking the same bumps I’m taking.”

Vince McMahon had a reputation for doing dangerous things and setting an example in order to prove that he wouldn’t ask someone to do something he wouldn’t be willing to do. Foley went on to talk about Vince leaping off a platform ahead of WrestleMania 36 while going over plans for the show with Rob Gronkowski.

So he did not take the bump, but in the same way that he took some bump that Gronk was a little concerned about taking [at WrestleMania 36] and he just boom went and did it. Now, if you’re Gronk, you’re like, ‘I saw a guy in his 60s…’ he may have been in his early 70s at that time. So, Gronk went ahead and did it. This was Vince wanting to do it. I’m glad he didn’t.”

H/T Fightful


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