More Videos Of Triple H Overselling The Attack From Braun Strowman After Survivor Series

triple h

Triple H is one of the biggest names in the business, and he made his return to pay-per-view Sunday night when he fought in the main event of Survivor Series. Hunter picked up the victory for his team, but he turned on fellow Team Raw member Kurt Angle in the process, and Braun Strowman didn’t like that very much.

After the match Strowman sent a warning to Triple H, then he hit him with two running powerslams after Hunter tried to attack him.

Braun Strowman is a powerful man, and he’s definitely not someone you want to mess with. As we saw recently on Raw, he put Kane through the ring with the running powerslam, so it looks like Triple H got off easy.

Still, Triple H gave the fans a show after Survivor Series went off the air, as he hilariously oversold the beating from Braun Strowman.

After the the match, Stephanie McMahon helped Triple H up to his feet, and then he fell flat on his face.

Triple H also attempted to do his classic pose, but instead he just fell backwards.

Hunter then made his way up the ramp and he walked into the entrance set, and now another video has surfaced online showing a different angle which features some interesting facial expressions from Triple H.

This is why it’s always worth sticking around for a few minutes after the pay-per-view, because you never know what might happen.



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