Jeff Hardy has been out of action for some time now as AEW announced his suspension following his arrest last year. It’s no big secret that Jeff has had his issues in the past, but during a recent episode of The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy podcast his brother explained why it’s different this time.

“The reason I say it’ll be different this time is because he went into it with a different mentality and he’s never been this scared before. There was a lot of talk where they wanted him to go to prison for months and do this. They ended up working this deal where it was 30 days. One of the biggest things you’re going to see with Jeff Hardy going forward is how he wants to share his story and help other people out. That’s something he’s been very adamant about already. He’s been so motivated.”

Even though Jeff seems to be on the right path, Matt indicated that a return to the ring isn’t guaranteed when he said, “That hasn’t been talked about. Will it happen? Maybe. Maybe not. That isn’t something that hasn’t been talked about at all at this point and it certainly wasn’t going to be like, his court case is done, he shows back up on AEW Dynamite.”

Matt went on to say that he has talked to Jeff Hardy about possibly changing his style if he does return when he added, “Yes. I already have. I’ve had it with him throughout the years. Whenever I wanted him to become Brother Nero at the beginning, I was having that conversation with him then. That’s why I said he could no longer jump off the top rope. ‘You’re Jeff Hardy, you’re a rockstar, people want to see Jeff Hardy. I know you feel so committed and passionate and you want to give them a whisper in the wind and swanton every single night. You can do those things when the time is right. Pick and choose. Be smart. You’re not just Jeff Hardy the wrestler anymore, you’re Jeff Hardy the father, the husband, the family man. You have to think about that.'”

H/T Fightful