
Triple H recently spoke to CBS Sports to promote NXT TakeOver: Dallas and more. You can check out the full interview here along with some highlights below.

Finn Balor adjusting to the WWE production style:

“[Balor] had a lot of experience overseas in Japan, but he wrestled in Japan. He really didn’t do a lot of talking. One of the biggest shocks, I believe, in the system to him was television production.

“I remember having a conversation with him shortly after he started. We were gonna debut him on TV, and I was working with him on his entrance. We got done and he was outside. I saw him standing off to the side, and he looked like he’d been shot out of a cannon, you know? He was just frazzled. I went up to him and I said, ‘You alright?’ He’s like, ‘Yeah, yeah.’ I said, ‘What’s going on?’ He goes, ‘Man, it’s just a lot to absorb. I’ve never thought about any of this stuff because I never had to. [In] Japan, we just went to the ring and wrestled and they just pointed cameras at us. I never thought anything more about it beyond that.'”

What NXT means to the fans:

“NXT allows us to, for lack of a better term, super-serve our most hardcore and passionate WWE fans. I kind of felt like there was always room for that to happen. There’s just that alternative and the opportunity to grow in a different direction. I think NXT has just kind of hit that niche in a perfect way.”

His thoughts on Nakamura vs Zayn at TakeOver:

“I think the whole world wants to see that match. I know I want to see it. I can’t wait. Nakamura’s an incredible performer. Sami Zayn, one of the best. It’s gonna be amazing. I want those guys to strive to push the card at WrestleMania to want to perform better. I also am a part of the card of WrestleMania that is gonna be watching [NXT TakeOver] Dallas going ‘Oh man,’ and has to perform better. So it’s great. It pushes everybody on every level. But that’s one of the matches I think everybody will be watching to see just how hard they’re gonna have to push.”