TNA Impact Wrestling Results 4/17/2014


TNA Impact Wrestling Results 4/17/2014

Eric Young comes out to celebrate his TNA World Heavyweight Championship win. After a few minutes Dixie Carter comes out and interrupts him. She talks about how other people who grow beards in wrestling are ripping off her ideas and her intellectual property. It was actually kind of weird, seemed like she was trying to comment on people saying TNA ripped off WWE by having EY as champ. Anyway Bully Ray comes out and interrupts her. He puts over EY big time and kicks Dixie out. Bully and EY celebrate with the crowd some more.


Velvet Sky w/ Angelina Love Vs. – Madison Rayne – TNA Knockouts Street Fight

Velvet and Angelina wait for Madison at the bottom of the ramp. Madison runs in through the crowd and hits Velvet with the title. Madison gets a win after she hits a spear.

They cut to show EY talking to Abyss backstage. Back from commercial we get a backstage segment between Spud and EC3 talking about Willow.


MVP comes out and does his thing. He says Samoa Joe has pretty much walked out of the company because he’s disgruntled. Austin Aries comes out and interrupts him. Aries talks about how he hasn’t been on TV. MVP says he hasn’t been using him because he didn’t join Team MVP at Lockdown. MVP and Aries get into a heated argument and tease that they’re going to fight. Aries walks out and says he’ll fight MVP next week.

The BroMans Vs. The Wolves – TNA Tag Team Championship Match

DJ Zema Ion eventually runs in and hits Eddie Edwards with his laptop and gets The BroMans disqualified.


Rockstar Spud and EC3 Vs. Willow

Hardy err Willow hits the Twist of Fate on Spud for the win then EC3 beats him down. Kurt Angle comes out and makes the save.

After he gets EC3 out of the ring, Kurt grabs the mic and says he’s going to put EC3 in the hospital.

They show a promo of Sanada training and talking about his best of 3 series for the X-Division title against Tigre Uno. It’s actually wicked epic.

Kenny king comes out. He says he wants a shot at the X-Division title.


Sanda Vs. Tigre Uno 2nd Match From The Best Of 3 Series For The X-Division title.

Kenny King is on commentary. Tigre Uno wins.


Bobby Roode comes out and makes an open challenge. Gunner answers his open challenge. James Storm comes out and distracts Gunner. Bobby Roode throws Gunner off the top rope onto a table but the table doesn’t break. Roode puts him through it after. Storm and Roode beat Gunner down. Bully Ray makes the save.


Eric Young Vs. Abyss – Monster’s Ball – TNA World Heavyweight Championship match

Eric Young wins with an elbow off the top rope onto Abyss who was lying on a board with barbed wire on it.



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