Shawn Michaels was a recent guest on Jim Ross’ podcast. They talked about many things including when the decision to end the streak was made.

Michaels told Ross that the decision to end The Streak was made just four hours before WrestleMania XXX began. Ross added that he spoke to Taker in New Orleans and asked how many matches he has left. Taker told Ross he would know in a few hours, meaning after the match with Brock Lesnar.

HBK said Taker told him that he would contact Michaels a few weeks after WrestleMania and update him on his health and future. HBK said he does know that Taker was very banged up after the match.

Michaels also talked and said that it was Vince McMahon’s decision. Shawn was confident that Vince had a good reason, in his mind, for ending The Streak.