When WWE creative yanked the Emmalina gimmick from Emma it was said they planned on giving it to someone else eventually. We just had no idea how soon it would be until they found a perfect fit. Lana has been working NXT shows before making her debut on SmackDown Live. She wrestled at the NXT show in Crystal River and those in attendance got to see her new gimmick first-hand. More than a few people drew a direct comparison to the gimmick Emma was supposed to have months ago. So, can we just call her Lanalina now?


You can check out more photos below.


Add Dash Wilder’s name to the list of WWE superstars who have experienced awful injuries at inopportune moments. The member of The Revival broke his jaw while on a goodbye tour last week with the NXT brand. They had just made their Monday Night Raw debut a few short weeks earlier and were in a perfect position to take over the tag team division.

Wilder required surgery and reports are he will be out of action for eight weeks. Dash won’t be the only one who’s taking a break either because his partner Scott Dawson will evidently be sitting on the sidelines with him. But there’s no doubt the Top Guys can’t wait to return to Raw as soon as possible.

The surgery Dash Wilder required was a success. It didn’t take him long to get back in the gym to keep building his body so when it’s finally time for him to return to the ring he’s ready to go. He’s already doing shrugs and by the look of those weights, he’s not lifting a small amount.

Let’s hope Dash Wilder can make a speedy recovery and possibly even return before he’s expected to. We can’t wait for Raw to become a Monday Night Revival once again.
