Mojo Rawley is a hyped up freak of nature. The man can lift incredible weight and push a sled like nobody’s business. Mojo recently posted a video of himself in the gym lifting 500 lbs with quadruple bands to max out his workout. He used the hashtag “patiently waiting” in his tweet which might mean he’s still waiting for his push to come in WWE. If he keeps working out like this his opportunity is sure to come in time.

As impressive as Mojo’s feat of strength might be, one person wasn’t impressed. Curt Hawkins sent a mocking reply to Rawley. In a nutshell, Hawkins said Mojo should stop concentrating on the weight room at the WWE Performance Center and work on his ring work. That one kind of hit below the belt.

However, Mojo Rawly didn’t let a big cup of hater like Curt Hawkins phase him in the slightest. Instead, Mr. Stay Hyped pointed out the fact that he is training in the ring.

Afterward, he threw a jab back at Hawkins saying he probably didn’t notice because Curt was busy losing on NXT. So far Curt Hawkins has yet to reply to the wicked burn from Rawley. You could say Curt Hawkins lost his mojo in this Twitter battle with Mojo.

Dash Wilder is out of action for the time being with a broken jaw. He’s currently all wired shut and we’re sure he hates it. After all, he’s been forced to alter his life since his injury. Wilder’s not wrestling and he had to change the way he eats.

But the Top Guy isn’t letting his injury affect every aspect of his life. Wilder is still working out and he’s going out on the town as usual. Wilder recently posted that he went to go see Baywatch.

We can only assume he’s sick and tired of having his jaw wired shut. Dash hoped The Rock’s new comedy would assist him in breaking his face free from its current wired cage.

Hopefully, it will only be a matter of time before the Monday Night Revival comes back to town. Until then it’s nice to know Wilder is making the best of his time.