It’s Safe To Say Alberto Del Rio Doesn’t Care What He Says About WWE


Yeah, Alberto El Patron is at is again. But that doesn’t seem to be much of a surprise anymore. At this point, we get the feeling he loves pushing WWE’s buttons. Because in all actuality, what can they do to retaliate? Yeah, they could always fire Paige but that might be doing them a favor.

Alberto released a couple Parascope broadcasts recently where he went off on WWE “and the one with the big nose.” Now he’s at it again.

If WWE didn’t have so much money wrapped up in Paige’s family and career, she would probably be considered collateral damage in this war of words. And, it would have nothing to do with the onslaught of leaked NSFW material either.

Alberto followed up his messages to WWE with another online video stream. It would appear he’s sober too, which would mean he means it. He also knows exactly what he’s saying this time.

When the newest video begins, he asks if they’re live and lets out a little chuckle as if to indicate he’s going to have fun with what he’s about to say. He plugs a lot of his upcoming appearances. But, he follows it up by saying it should be no surprise he’s going to continue letting people know what he thinks about “that place I used to work.” He also has more than a few choice words about WWE.

Paige is just along for the ride at this point. She looks like she’s having a ton of fun though. It must be a good time too. All she has to do is sit back and play innocent while Alberto says everything she probably wants to say.

If you want to watch the newest installment of “Alberto takes on World Wrestling Entertainment”, it is embedded below. Because we care. Honestly, it’s a pretty good little video too. So, enjoy.



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