roman reigns

Roman Reigns has been on the receiving end of a monster push since The Shield split up in 2014. He’s won numerous championships, and he’s also main evented WrestleMania three years in a row.

This year Roman will be challenging Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship at WrestleMania 34, and he’s been tearing Brock down in his promos for weeks now.

At one point Roman referred to Brock Lesnar as “Vince’s boy” on TV, which got an interesting reaction out of the fans because there are plenty of people out there who perceive Roman to be “Vince’s boy.”

The Big Dog was recently asked about his status during an appearance on the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast, and he said that everyone on the roster is “Vince’s boy.”

“Whether you’re somebody who’s been in the situation like me, or you’re somebody who’s new or has been around for a long time and hasn’t quite gotten the ‘push’ that everyone thinks they deserve, the bottom line is — we’re all Vince’s boys.”

He went on to say that Vince has been able to stay in business for so long because of the respect that he has for the performers who wrestle inside of a WWE ring.

“When it comes down to it, what we do for him in this company, he has a huge respect for that. You couldn’t be him and be involved in this business and run it the way he has if you didn’t have the ultimate respect for your performers, for your talent.”

Who will you be rooting for at WrestleMania, Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns? Sound off in the comments below.