The Rock Says He Hasn’t Ruled Politics Out


The Rock is on the cover of the latest GQ UK and he also spoke to GQ about his career in the wrestling ring and more. You can check out the full interview here along with some highlights below.

What he considers his greatest role:

“The Rock was – still is in fact ­- the best role I will ever get to play. I was being me, but me turned all the way up to ten. I could say anything, do anything and I would wink and everyone was in on the joke. They got it, I was connecting, it was perfect. But I couldn’t help feeling like I had achieved everything I had wanted to in wrestling. By the end of 1998 I was the youngest world champion and making a lot of money, but I wanted to know what was next.”

How he chooses his movie roles:

“My choices are based on two things and they are both equally important. The first is: will I enjoy it? Then second: will people enjoy it on a mass scale? And I like that, because it is an opportunity for me to entertain globally. The bottom line, I am in the business of making movies for people, making content for people. And that means people all over the world. Because as soon as you start thinking on a global scale, you are making more people happy, you are making more money, you are making the studios more money, you are making everybody happy. That in turn creates more opportunity. And that’s what I am looking for.”

Possibly getting into politics:

“I’ll be honest, I haven’t ruled politics out. I’m not being coy when I say that, but at the moment I am not sure. I can’t deny that the thought of being governor, the thought of being president, is alluring. And beyond that, it would be an opportunity to make a real impact on people’s lives on a global scale. But there are a lot of other things I want to do first.”



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