Ric Flair is certainly no stranger when it comes to championship gold as The Nature Boy won numerous championships throughout the course of his career. In 2005, Flair won the Intercontinental Championship for the first time in his career when he defeated Carlito at the Unforgiven pay-per-view.

While the Intercontinental Championship win was a reason to celebrate, Flair recently explained on his To Be The Man podcast that he was fined $5,000 dollars for not taking a picture with the belt.

“They still don’t have a [studio] picture of me with the Intercontinental belt. It drives them crazy, right? I said ‘I’m not taking a picture with the Intercontinental belt’ and so they fined me five thousand dollars. And I told them. ‘When you guys are so starved for talent, that you’ve got to fine a 55-year-old guy for not taking a picture with the Intercontinental belt, you’ve got a developmental problem with talent. I said ‘I’m not taking a picture with the Intercontinental belt’ and so they fined me five thousand dollars.”

Flair was then asked if he didn’t want to take a picture with the Intercontinental Championship because he felt it was a step down. Flair confirmed that wasn’t the case as it was a situation where he didn’t want to take his shirt off any more than he had to.

“No no no. It wasn’t that. I just didn’t want to take off my shirt any more than I had to. I’m talking about vanity. It wasn’t the belt, I mean that was awesome having the belt. That’s a misconception. I just didn’t want to take off my shirt any more than I had to. Man, I was ducking and diving. Paying Kevin Dunn off to shoot me at different angles. I just didn’t want to take off my shirt any more than I had to.”

H/T SEScoops.com