Ric Flair On Why He Doesn’t Critique WWE On His Podcast, Possibly Inducting Sting And More


Ric Flair recently spoke to Jim Varsallone of the Miami Herald about his upcoming appearance at Magic City Comic Con this weekend and more. You can check out the full interview here and read some highlights below.

Possibly inducting Sting into the WWE Hall of Fame:

“I would love to be that person. I haven’t been asked, but I would love to.”

Why he doesn’t critique WWE on his podcast:

“[Podcasts] can be very lucrative. I’m heading down to do one right now with Chris Jericho. It’s fun, and you learn form them. My problem is I can’t critique the [WWE] show, because my daughter’s on the show, and I’m still actively working for the company. The other guys who do podcasts can critique the show, but I wouldn’t be caught dead doing that.

“Actually, I don’t have anything negative to say about it anyway, but if there was something I thought, I couldn’t possibly say it, because I would basically be cracking on the hand that feeds me. I don’t feel like there’s anything negative on the show anyways…If anyone really took a look at the injuries on our roster right now, it’s mortifying. Seth Rollins, John Cena, Randy Orton, Cesaro, [Daniel Bryan, Tyson Kidd]. A lot of guys to lose. Rusev is hurt right now, but I don’t know to what extent. Sasha’s hurt. Paige has got a concussion. It’s a lot going on.”


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