ric flair

Ric Flair may no longer be an active competitor, but he’s still actively talking about professional wrestling on his podcast Woooo Nation Uncensored.

Recently The Nature Boy was asked about Seth Rollins’ current gimmick during an episode of the podcast, and he admitted that he doesn’t really know what Seth’s character is right now.

“Generic (on Rollins’ current gimmick). I had a guy who asked me the other day, ‘Why does Seth Rollins have so many (gimmicks)?’ I loved ‘The Architect’ because he’s a really technically skilled guy. Where ‘The Messiah’ came from and now, wasn’t he doing something with (Visionary), something with ‘swag’, I don’t know what he is right now. He’s a very skilled technical wrestler but I don’t know what his character is really.”

Seth recently challenged Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship at the Royal Rumble, but unfortunately for Rollins he was defeated by The Tribal Chief. The Visionary will get another chance to win championship gold when he challenges for the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber on February 19th. Stay tuned for updates.

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