randy orton

Randy Orton’s backstage behavior during his early days in WWE has become infamous as he quickly earned a reputation for being out of control. It seems that Orton’s behavior was too much for Rochelle Loewen who was part of WWE in 2003.

Val Venis recently spoke to Wrestling Shoot Interviews about Randy Orton’s escapades, and he claimed that The Viper is the reason why Rochelle Loewen decided to quit WWE completely.

“I know Randy had some issue with one of the girls from the Diva Search that when we went to Hawaii, Japan – Japan, Alaska, then Alaska back to L.A.and in Alaska that girl quit because of Randy.”

Val Venis also shared an interesting Randy Orton story that took place at a steakhouse when he added, “We were all sitting around a steak and they brought our steak, and to make it looked like the plate that they put in front of him was exactly what he ordered, but he picks up the steak with his two fingers and he goes ‘what the hell is this’ to the waitress and tosses the piece of steak at her.”

Randy Orton hasn’t competed since May as he’s currently out of action due to an injury. It’s not clear at this point in time when he could end up returning. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.

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