The Bloodline has become one of the most dominant WWE factions in years and Sami Zayn has become an honorary member of the group. Zayn has been receiving a lot of praise for the work he’s done with The Bloodline, but it doesn’t sound like he was always meant to be so involved with the group.

Sami Zayn recently spoke to The Mirror about his ongoing storyline with The Bloodline and he noted that originally he was only supposed to interact with the group on a limited basis.

“This is one of the more filled-out, long-term stories I’ve ever been a part of, and it’s long, even by WWE standards. Usually we might do two or three month stories, but I’ve been aligned with The Bloodline in some respects since April and we’re still only kind of scratching the surface as to where this is going to go.

“The initial idea was just to have some on-screen interactions every now and again because it made sense as the self-proclaimed locker room leader I should have a good rapport with the Head of the Table. So we were kind of cooking up that idea.”