More and more details continue to emerge about the deranged man Armando Alejandro Montalvo who was shot at the WWE Performance Center yesterday. There are some weird ones and we’ll get to those, but we’ll offer up the weirdest one first.

The man had visited the WWE Performance Center recently and according to TMZ, he smeared feces all over the walls of the building. He mixed human waste and milk together in a bucket then spread them on the building. TMZ also reports that WWE had a restraining order on the man.

He was also reportedly obsessed with Lita.

“kept asking if I saw Lita while I was inside the WWE building. Armando kept stating that he loves Lita and that she is attractive. Armando also kept laughing and stating that what was happening is ‘awesome.'” a deputy told News 6.

Finally, his friend commented and he just wants us all to know that, IT’S STILL REAL TO ARMANDO DAMMIT!!!

“As long as I’ve known him, he’s never gone there with ill intentions. He’s just a silly little kid. Mentally, he’s just a little kid. He loves wrestling, and this was his dream. He wanted to be a wrestler.” his friend Elvis Kalicharan said.