– John Cena recently spoke with USA Today about his acting career and commented on playing edgier characters like in Judd Apatow’s Trainwrecked.

“I’m trying to get my fix of the adult, non-PG racy stuff with the movie parts that I choose,” Cena said. “I had to take a break from movies for a while to redefine where I wanted to go, but now I get my aspirational fill from being a part of the WWE family, and I can pick and choose these small, really fun movie roles where I still get to be an adult.”

FOXSports.com has an article with more quotes from CM Punk during UFC 185 weekend. Punk says he hasn’t watched WWE since he left in 2014.

“Nope,” Punk answered when asked if he watches WWE programming. “She’ll [AJ] tell me when I should watch something, like something she’s excited about, but she never does.”