Jim Ross is back with his latest blog where he talks about TNA’s Bound For Glory and more. Within the blog he praises Kurt Angle’s match with Eric Young and also brings up the subject of Angle possibly facing Lesnar at WrestleMania 32.

“Impressed with Eric Young’s skill set a heel and Kurt Angle is still a badass and effective if not over exposed. Angle at Wrestlemania Texas vs. Brock Lesnar would be a massive hit but it seems that the decision makers in WWE don’t share my optimism but I might be wrong.”

Angle has stated openly that he’s not re-signing with TNA when his current deal ends meaning that he would be available for such a match if WWE was interested.

Ross went on to talk more about Bound For Glory and what he didn’t like about the show.

“Gave the show a C+ grade as it had some good moments including the talent working hard but some of the booking was suspect IMO.”

“Never book two fan favorites versus one villain in a triple threat match. It won’t work as a rule and did not work as it could have or should have. No issues with Matt Hardy winning the TNA Title by pinning Drew Galloway  while EC3 remained undefeated but he lost his title. The champion losing his title without being pinned or submitted is as lame as being able to win a cage match by escaping the cage.”

“The Gauntlet match wasn’t good and the let’s stop and dance killed it for me especially when the match was for the #1 contender.”

You can check out the full blog entry by clicking here.