Jim Ross is back with his latest blog where he addressed Seth Rollins, the TNA rumors and more. He mentioned that he would like to see Lesnar chase Rollins and the WWE Championship all the way to WrestleMania 32.

“I’d still like to see Seth Rollins hold the WWE Title until Wrestlemania Texas. There is where Lesnar could win the title back IMO after winning the 2016 Royal Rumble. Now that’s the cue for someone to pipe up that idea is too predictable but I’ll go for doing the right thing over doing something unpredictable for the sake of surprise any day. It’s a great, long term storyline arc that makes sense on many fronts.”

He also touched on the possibility of splitting up the Heyman/Lesnar duo which he seems to think would be a poor choice.

“Plus, anyone who is speculating that @HeymanHustle will be leaving Lesnar is ultra fantasy booking as well. No reason to have Paul leave Brock that is more viable than Heyman staying with Lesnar and I’d do NOTHING to disconnect the Heyman/Lesnar duo. NOTHING.”

Hard to disagree with what he’s saying. Rollins holding onto the title for a year would make his title reign quite memorable and there truly doesn’t seem to be any reason to split up Heyman and Lesnar. There’s no way to know what the title scene will look like by Mania 32, but the recent rumor going around is that Sheamus will successfully cash in Money in the Bank before 2015 is over.

You can check out the full post by clicking HERE.