jim ross

Jim Ross is back with a new blog where he talks about commercial breaks during wrestling matches and more. You can check out the full entry here and read some highlights below.

WWE possibly using a rankings system:

“Wrestling companies like WWE could easily use a top ten or top 15 type rankings system, like UFC and, back in the UWF, that would essentially allow creative to not to have to book too many cold bouts considering that the rankings could be utilized in many contests.

I see the reason that some wrestling TV shows need to stretch some bouts through one or more commercial breaks but I’m sensing that most matches that carry through a break, or two, disconnect from many fans thanks to the three minute commercial break or even a two minute break. I’d like to see more matches start and end in the same segment which should help maintain the focus of the fans and consequently help get talents over more, or so I feel. If that means that if a promotion has to format a shorter, reset segment to get back on their timeline then so be it.

Two small points that could arguably make many TV wrestling shows better, utilize a logical Top Ten or Top 15 to book matches and also to present the vast majority of bouts in one segment on a show. Also, by using a rankings system it puts more spotlight on the titles of which could all could mean more in every wrestling company. Titles may be perceived by some inside the business as props for a fictitious TV show but that can’t be the case for how Titles are perceived on air.”

NXT crowd in London:

“I went back and looked and the live audience at the NXT Takeover London event and the live crowd did actually sing a pop tune while Bayley was ‘selling’ and it did feel strange. Is this type of crowd reaction good for the business? I’m leaning toward the negative side of that answer. But as everyone knows, I’m an old school, bitter dude who’s angry at the world and I yearn for the days of wool tights and mullets.”