Why Jim Cornette Will Probably Miss Bound For Glory


Global Force Wrestling looks like they’ll be hosting Bound For Glory in Toronto but their latest authority figure probably won’t be on the show. This doesn’t mean they won’t air some kind of pre-taped segment but odds are if they do Jim Cornette will be in the USA when they’re filmed.

Cornette recently talked about why he’s currently “banned from Canada” on an episode of The Jim Cornette Experience.

“The last time I went a few years ago for a Ring Of Honor show I’m driving with my wife Stacy and I’m driving in my own vehicle which is registered to me.” The Cornettes got as far as the US/Canadian border when they were pulled over and their car was searched.

He was pulled over and his vechile was searched. He said the police didn’t find anything illegal. All seemed well and good until Cornette’s history in Canada was pulled where several arrests for assault were found. He never spent any time in jail back in the day, but a bad guy manager had to defend himself in the days of kayfabe.

Cornette traveled to Canada for years for various reasons and the issue never really came up before. But the authorities apparently deemed Jim Cornette no longer legally allowed to travel to Canada.

Jim might be making a mountain out of a hole hill over this but he’s been plugging an event in Detroit by saying it’s the closest to Canada he’ll ever be due to the ban. He also encouraged anyone with a Canadian driver’s license to come and see him and receive some free merch for making the trip.

If Cornette isn’t allowed to attend Bound For Glory it might put a snag in some of the current GFW storylines. But we have a feeling Jim’s absence from BFG might be the least of their worries at this point.


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