Jim Cornette On Why He’s Impressed By Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan And More


Scott Fishman of The Miami Herald has a new interview with Jim Cornette. Below are some highlights from the interview:

His tribute show:

“We haven’t done a fan fest in Wilmington really. With all the names attending, I felt we had to change the concept. I’m changing the concept because there are going to be so many stars like Harley Race, Ted DiBiase and Dan Severn. I can’t have all these people standing up there saying nice things about me while Harley Race is sitting there or Ted DiBiase or a UFC Hall of Famer. So I want to morph it into a tribute to all the great wrestling stars that are going to be there. Otherwise, people would be thinking, ‘Oh, Cornette is booking his own tributes now.'”

Being impressed by Roman Reigns:

“He seems to have all the tools. He has a great look. He has great size. It’s in his genes. He is Samoan and has the pedigree. He seems to be intelligent and well-spoken. He can work. He is still green, but I think they shot him in the balls with the whole way they did the Rumble. Daniel Bryan shouldn’t have been in the Rumble. The evil empire of this champion rises through because of fan support and wins the big prize at WrestleMania and goes down to injury because of the beatings he took at their hands.

“…If Bryan hadn’t been in the Rumble, I suggested they put out the word that Daniel Bryan may never wrestle again and then have Roman Reigns win the Rumble, then they confront each other afterward, and you go to the races. You buried the top babyface you wanted people to like. The Rock, I love and admire The Rock for what he has done. However, when he rose up Roman Reigns’ hand and rose the ‘People’s Eyebrow’ they booed the most popular man walking the face of the earth since Jesus. Now that takes a special talent to get The Rock booed out of the building. You can tell he didn’t know it was coming, and I don’t think he was happy.”


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