Hulk Hogan Says No One Has Called Him About WrestleMania

hulk hogan

Hulk Hogan was released from WWE in July of 2015 after a leaked audio tape which featured Hogan making vulgar comments surfaced online. The company quickly cut all ties with Hogan, but recently it’s been rumored that WWE is interested in bringing him back.

Related: Hulk Hogan’s Daughter Says He’s Been Getting Calls About WrestleMania

Hogan’s daughter Brooke recently fanned the flames when she was asked by TMZ about a possible WWE return for her dad. Hogan looked right into the camera and said that Hulk Hogan has been receiving calls about WrestleMania.

Hulk Hogan was recently a guest on Eric Bischoff’s podcast, Bischoff on Wrestling, and he brought up the rumors, then denied that he’s been receiving calls about WrestleMania.

“I know if I don’t bring it up nobody will. So anyway, Brooke’s running around on TMZ and made the statement about me and wrestling and WrestleMania. For the record, she needs the big boot to the head. I haven’t talked to anybody about WrestleMania. I just need to put that to rest. I asked Brooke, “What are you doing?” She goes, “Oh, well, I’m just starting it up.” I said, “Thanks Brooke.” It was kind of funny. I said, “No harm. No foul.” It was all in good fun.”

You can check out the full episode below.



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