The Hardys Comment On Match With The Bucks Of Youth, Rockstar Spud On Losing To King Maxel


The Hardys have been taunting the Bucks of Youth for months on social media, and ROH recently confirmed that the two teams will collide at Supercard of Honor XI in April. The official Ring of Honor YouTube account posted a video of The Hardys hyping up the match by telling the Bucks of Youth that plan to delete them, and you can check it out below.

Broken Matt Hardy took over Impact Wrestling back in December when TNA aired a two hour special episode of Impact called Total Nonstop Deletion. During Total Nonstop Deletion, King Maxel made his in-ring debut, and he won his first match when he pinned Rockstar Spud.

Rockstar Spud recently spoke to The Sun about the growth of British wrestling and more, and during the interview he said that he had no problem doing the job for King Maxel.

“Fans will say ‘Oh my god, they are burying Rockstar Spud’. But if you have seen me on TV the then I am not buried at all. I am on television. If I wasn’t on television then I would be buried. Plus, my name is James Michael Curtin and I play a character called Rockstar Spud who is a weasely, little, whiney bad guy who deserves everything he gets. Rockstar Spud deserves losing to a one-year-old. Do I have a problem playing a weasely little bad guy losing to a one-year-old? Absolutely not. What do you want me to do next? From that show, what do you remember? Whether you were laughing or thinking it was terrible, you remember that Rockstar Spud was pinned by a one-year-old. It is remembered forever. And it’s a TV show and that character – who is whiny little turd – deserves it all.”


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