When Matt and Jeff Hardy came back home at WrestleMania 33, a lot of things were up in the air. One question a lot of indie bookers had was whether or not The Hardy Boyz would still be working their scheduled indie dates. As it turned out, WWE allowed their newest acquisitions to fulfill their obligations.

Therefore, The Hardy Boyz were able to fulfill their last remaining indie dates before hitting the road with WWE full time. Matt and Jeff Hardy appeared at an International Wrestling Cartel event alongside Ryback, Mr. Kennedy, and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat on April 8th.

The event might have been held in a high school gymnasium. But, the fact The Hardy Boyz showed up with their Raw Tag Team Titles made the even all that much more special. ICW sent out a personal thank you to Vince McMahon and Triple H for allowing The Hardy Boyz for appearing at their fundraiser.

It’s great that WWE allowed them to fulfill their indie dates when they signed on. It shows a great amount of trust in the Hardys and a connectedness with the greater good of the pro wrestling community. It’s also super cool to see the Hardy Boyz at an indie event with those nifty red titles in tow.

Sasha Banks is a bonafide WWE superstar. That title has its ups and downs. The Boss is currently experiencing one of those downs right now. Apparently, she’s stuck at an airport.

Let’s hope Sasha is able to get her problems figured out before she has to be in Uniondale, NY for Monday Night Raw. It’s going to be a big Raw too because they’ve got that whole superstar shake-up thing going on.

How a plane can be delayed because they don’t have a crew is beyond us, but that seems to be the reality of the situation. It sounds like Delta has some problems they need to iron out.

Travel problems are no new thing for a WWE superstar because they spend so much time on the road. But when you’ve got a schedule as busy as Sasha Banks does, ain’t nobody got time for that.