Former WWE Champion Denies Marijuana Addiction


Over the years there have been many professional wrestlers who have proudly admitted to using marijuana one of which happens to be Rob Van Dam. The former WWE Champion hasn’t been shy about letting the world know he’s fond of marijuana, but that doesn’t mean he’s addicted to it.

One fan recently asked Rob Van Dam if he was addicted to marijuana on Twitter and he had an interesting response. Despite the fact that RVD is closely associated with marijuana use he noted that he often goes days without using it when he posted the following:

“Of course not. It’d be too hard to travel if I HAD to have it. I just love it. I go days without fairly often and may or may not even miss it. I’m sure a lot of others have themselves convinced they’re hooked when they’re in fact, not. Helpless is always easier than working”

RVD was also asked where he would go if he had to choose between WWE, AEW, Impact, NJPW or ROH for one final run and he indicated that he’s feeling good when he responded with, “The names of the companies isn’t enough to go on, but I feel even better than I look. If you don’t see me popping up somewhere, someone’s got some ‘splainin to do. Of course, my continuance of posting unpopular opinions might be a factor. ”

If you could see Rob Van Dam join any company for one final run what company would it be? Sound off in the comments below.