Seth Rollins was saying all night that he intended to call out the Demon King and General Manager Mick Foley challenged him to go to the ring and do it.

Seth Rollins made his way to the ring and called out the Demon King. Unfortunately, someone who appeared to be a fan rushed the ring while Seth was calling out the Demon King and tried to ruin the segment.

Like a true pro, Seth Rollins laughed it off and continued to call out the Demon King.

You can check out a clip of the fan below.

Finally Finn Balor’s music hit and the lights went out. Finn Balor made his entrance as the Demon King and the crowd ate it up. The reaction that Finn Balor received on Raw tonight was undoubtedly the best reaction he’s received on Raw so far.

Finn made his way into the ring an pulled off his wig. The crowd chanted “Holy S**t!” and Seth Rollins stood outside with a scared look on his face. Rollins got in the ring and the crowd chanted “This is awesome!”

They battled back and forth for a while and eventually Finn got the upper hand. He went to the top rope and tried to hit the Coup de Grace but Rollins rolled out of the ring to end the segment.