EC3 and several other TNA personalities recently spoke to Sport’s Illustrated’s Extra Mustard blog about the current state of TNA and more. You can read some highlights below.

On the environment in TNA:

“TNA has allowed me the chance to work with guys who are better than me. They’ve showed me the way to becoming champion. The company was established on older names, but you need that name brand value to create new stars. We were very fortunate to have guys like Kurt Angle and the Hardys, and they are guys who are willing to work with the younger talent and give them a rub. They’re less worried about protecting a fictitious spot and more interested in increasing business.”

Why he feels things didn’t work out for him in WWE:

“You’re only as good as the opportunity you’re given. You are either in the right place at the right time or the wrong place at the wrong time. But I’m embracing my current challenge as champion. I know this could all end in one second if I’m not doing the job. TNA made decisions in the past that didn’t have the foresight to look to the long-term, but they made a commitment and I happen to be the one benefiting from it. I’m going to do this job to the best of my ability and show an increase in business for them.”