
In the world of professional wrestling a good character can go a long way, and Mace found himself in need of a new gimmick when the RETRIBUTION stable finally came to an end. He has since resurfaced as Ma.çé of Maximum Male Models fame, but it seems that WWE once considered taking his character in a very different direction.

Ma.çé recently spoke to Metro about the direction of his career and he noted that he was sitting home for a few months while WWE decided what they would do with him next. During that time the company pitched a variety of characters that were interesting to say the least.

“I was almost a cyberpunk mercenary, a bounty hunter, an executioner. Axe, hood and all – there’s concept art.’ They gave me a call and they were like, “All that stuff? Nah! What we’re gonna do is you’re going to be a male model now.” I said, “Great!” They said, ‘You’re going to do it with Mån.sôör’

“I was like, “Even better! Rock and roll!” At the end of the day, we’re God’s greatest clowns, and if you give us anything – in this grand circus of life, we are God’s greatest clowns.”

It seems that things worked out for Ma.çé as Maximum Male Models have received a decent amount of TV time since debuting on TV and judging from his Twitter account he has completely embraced his character.